hey i am not really a big scale person. I think that workds for me when i have lostr in the past...getting on the scales at the begining is just all to sad a reality for me...it just makes me moe aware of where i am and how far i have to go... i tend to be a clothes tryer oner. so i am like okay i cant fit into that..sigh sigh depressed than i try again and one day i can...happy happy joy joy!!!! i have a pair of cut off jeans that when i can fit those on and button them up i know i am the right size. so that is what works for me or rather has kinda worked. It doesnt work in the long term though because i just keep to tthe same sysytem and increase my size until i am 3 or 4 stone overweight again. now if i was a regular scale sufer that wouldnt happen. not sure which way to go i might combine the two systems...no scales when i am losing and scales once i get there.