not any more, sorry

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Yes I've already decided not to drink wine any more, and to stick to gin and diet tonic - and perhaps not in huge quantities lol
I am drinking my irish and lots and lots of water in it (cos I am not in ketosis and not going to get there in 3 days I know I am safe lol)
Night my lovely buddies - dog whining cos he wants a cuddle instead of laptop lol - see you tomorrow, Lisa hope you are ok during the night xxxx
and it's upmorrow now :) morning Bren, all packed?
Upmorrow all, not packed yet Jim, will do it Friday so it doesn't get too creased but most of it is ready on the spare bed :)

Just had my lovely strawberry shake, bet you lot are jealous lol
Ummm even strawberry flavour would be good.

I'm going to introduce strawberries and raspberries to my menu this week - just a small amount - feel stupidly excited about it :)
aww bren - exciting packing though :D
Evening Bren. How's the countdown:)
2 days and counting :)
Last wash on tonight, Loretta will finish the ironing tomorrow night and I will pack on Friday.............let the drinking commence (oops it already has lol) xxx
morning bren! 2 days to what? a holiday? ooh can i come? (i am so out of touch with you girls here!!)
Yes Marty - Gran Canaria for 2 whole weeks, birthday and anniversary while we are out there too :D
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