I be not bad ta :) Been busy putting up my mums summer house the last few days....
Spud1859 Full Member 6 July 2011 #1,121 I be not bad ta Been busy putting up my mums summer house the last few days....
Q Quak Gold Member 6 July 2011 #1,124 YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shared a bottle of wine with the missus tonight, should be packing....lol
ladyfelsham Back to SW again 6 July 2011 #1,125 Nah, do it the night before, like me Vino taking place here too, quelle surprise
Jim Big Boy 7 July 2011 #1,129 Morning Bren, no wine here, I'm still drying out from ythe funeral meeting
Q Quak Gold Member 7 July 2011 #1,130 Morning Jim, will need a couple of weeks in rehab after this weekend by the sound of it!!!!!! Morning everybody else when you surface
Morning Jim, will need a couple of weeks in rehab after this weekend by the sound of it!!!!!! Morning everybody else when you surface
Jim Big Boy 7 July 2011 #1,131 I was thinking that Bren Shame I'm so super busy and then off on Hols or I'd be coming as well
Dietkitty Rebel without a calorie 7 July 2011 #1,132 Morning. I've surfaced, sort of lol. Got dive bombed by a kamikaze fly. Trev came in the room to find me with the sheet over my face!
Morning. I've surfaced, sort of lol. Got dive bombed by a kamikaze fly. Trev came in the room to find me with the sheet over my face!
LVLLM Gold Member 7 July 2011 #1,138 Jim you would have to share a bed with Suze and we would have got the chilli vodka in