On a mission
Found you again lol...dunno where you disappeared to on my subscribed's?
Eagerly awaiting weigh in results.....
Eagerly awaiting weigh in results.....
Latte is fine with skimmed milk
I also have mine decaff but only because I have tried to stay clear of caffeine
good luck with weigh in
Haha I am such a plonker, you were there all the time lol!! You musta changed the title of your thread lately...sacred wasnt jumping out at me lol...I am so dim sometimes, no hope for me lol
wwwwwwwwwooooooop! Nice one hunny!
I am soooo loving your new piccies hunny! You look ten years younger! Your a super star!
Hope u r well!
Whey well done, a good loss after you thought you wouldn't have any loss!!
Well done!
hope u had a fab day!
Sorry I have been absent all day! Been soooo busy had driving lesson, haircut and been to asda and tescos! Phew im knacked lol
hope u r well missy
awww huuugs hunny! Hope you are ok!
Thats really strange re the gf bars! HAve you spoken to your CDC about it cos surely they have to put the correct info on the website!?
Anyways well done for stickin to plan whilst you felt pooey! You seriously make this diet look a breeze hun!
Sendign hugsss
Those moments are part of what makes this all worthwhile - well done! )
Have a great day today xxx