Gold Member
notlongnow said:Thanks hun - we've got similar amounts to go so will be here together the whole way!!!
notlongnow said:Thanks hun - we've got similar amounts to go so will be here together the whole way!!!
Yay day 15 - made it over 2 weeks! Did my weigh in and lost 4lbs - making my total a stone in 2 weeks - am very pleased.
First time I did this it took 3 weeks to lose a stone as I was away in the middle and had 2 meals out & a few days when I would have a piece of cheese or ham or something!!
Anyway feel like I am getting somewhere as I am now a couple of lbs less than I have been for quite some time.
Have a great day peeps!!
notlongnow said:Today has been a real struggle for me - was bored & didn't have any get up & go to do something! There are plenty of things I should do whilst it is quiet at work but none of them grabbed me today! However, I didn't lapse and having my last shake now whilst cooking yummy dinner for everyone else!
Spoke to work about how little work I have at the mo, but I am launching new products in June so altho means v quiet & not busy at home means I can get a big loss underway before the big launch. 8 weeks til launch so should be feasible to be 2 stone down or thereabouts. That would put me at 10st 3 - pretty near target and 1lb less than the weight I was when I first went on air 8 years ago - that seems a pretty exciting target to me!!! So am chuffed I am still on track for that and haven't blown it today. Roll on day 17 tomorrow.
notlongnow said:Yes I am launching a new brand of baking products but not til end of June . From end of June it will be a few lines moving up to being full hours from September (on Qvc the shopping channel). Till then I am just covering when a colleague is away so not that much going on workwise. I used to do lots of different companies products whereas this is just Qvc products so that is the big change.
How's your pre holiday organisation going?
notlongnow said:New name is secret but will be under the "cooks essentials" brand which is qvc's own brand. Some really nice baking stuff including a stand mixer, plates, moulds, silicone stuff you name it anything to do with baking really. Quite exciting as I live all that stuff.
Glad to hear you all defuzzed ready & raring to go. Weather not been so bad so fingers crossed for you.