Now you see me...Soon you won't! - In the 5th Week

Wow, fantastic first loss, who cares if it's water, it's a positive direction!

My treat of choice is tending to be a skinny latte. Really don't want to get into the habit of having them, but it does feel like such a reward. I can't remember who has it on their ticker - we are not dogs so don't reward with food! How true is that!

K x
Thank you bluegirl. That saying is a good one! I can't thank you as I'm on my phone and don't know how to find the button lol!

I'm still going BUT last night I stupidly, stupidly ate a WHOLE packet of salami sandwich meat :( why?! This morning of course I show a gain :( it worries me as I am not usually a binger, I was just always shoveling crap into me constant...I never felt hunger! So it worries me that I literally binged on that salami and I just hope that's not a habit I get into :( I have friends who are tortured by the binge cycle and I just won't be able to deal with that:(

Right, I have till weigh in Monday to sort out this gain, lots and lots of water is on the menu. I hope I can drop some, my CDC is so nice and I would hate to let her down already!!

I have joined Spangles Christmas challenge and I put down that I wanted to lose 16lbs by new years get on with it and by pass the fridge lol!

14lbs for me on the spangles challenge, sure we can do it!

I bet the sausage isnt as bad as you imagine. It must be protein rather than carbs, so you should still be in ketosis shouldnt you?

My ex husband was naturally thin, skin on bone (jack sprat and his wife!), and he would do things like leave half a yogurt in the fridge because he'd eaten enough. I never understood how he did it. I dont know about you, but sometimes I dont realise I've eaten something until the wrapper/carton is in the bin!

No wonder I divorced him!!!
Haha blugirl that made me laugh! My bf is slim and doesn't finish things quite often and i just can't understand it as if I'm alone it's gone in seconds and if I'm with people i usually eat some and think about eating the rest later and make sure I do! But i guess that's why we have resorted to this diet!

I wouldn't worry too much about the salami or think about it becoming a habit - jus look at it as a moment of mindless eating which is not in your nature :) wouldn't want it to become a self fulfilling prophecy now would we! I swear that's what I did when I was 17/18 and everyone tried to make me eat and gain weight as I got obsessed with my diet - I said to myself if u eat u won't stop- and I believe subconsciously I was proving myself right by almost doubling my body weight as soon as I ate the foods I had banned
Aww thank you all so much for your lovely support. Salami gate is firmly behind me, totally worried me how much I put a dyson to shame when I was inhaling that though! lol!

Weigh in day! Though I am completely confused! I have decided to go by MY scales as I am not sure my lovely CDC has a clue! lol She is VERY lovely which is why its hard to question her and on top of that she is the only one I have access to as we are posted away from the UK.

I jumped on the scales and she was VERY pleased for me, telling me I had lost 4lbs! I was VERY happy until I saw for myself. The scales showed 12st 11. Last week I was 13 stone exact on her scales. By my maths ( and I am very happy to be corrected) that makes it 3lbs no?

She also then congratulated me on my BMI going down to 35! It was about 35 when I was at my heaviest, just over 15st. Confusing!

So I think I am going to "use" my lovely cdc to just get my packs from and have a little chat, as I am not feeling to confident in her maths skills and I also think because I will always be using my scales as a guide, it wont hurt to record officially from them each week and just hop on the scales for my cdc as part of the process to get my packs but not take to much notice. What do you think?

So I have changed all my details on here and I have put my highest ever start weight and my losses based on my scales.

The other bummer is that she told me today that next week will have to be my last apt until the middle of Jan! Eeek! I have to pick up 4/5 weeks of products in one. Okay I know I am going to be buying them anyway but I wasn't planning on buying over a months worth in one hit right before Christmas, Jan will be a cheap month I guess! :( I was going to allow myself a low carb Christmas dinner so I can eat with my teen son on the big day! but that was it but now I am wondering if I should have that whole Christmas week off to save how many packs I need to buy. Arrrghhh! Completely confused with it all now a little as my hubby is due home in Jan for 2 weeks and I dont want to be completely anti social meal wise for those precious 2 weeks but I dont want to come off completely.

I'll work it out I am sure lol. Sorry for boring you with my ramble!

On a positive note..I GOT bars!! Happy days! lol x

Edited to add! Just realised I did not give my loss this week! From my scales I lost 2.5lbs! I am surprisingly happy with that after salami gate lol!!
Eek just actually sat and worked it out properly and it will be 6 weeks worth that I have to buy next week :( Blah! I feel awful begrudging her time off lol... I just never assumed it would be 6 weeks. Never-mind I guess.
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You should ask her if you can take the products but pay her week by week? Cheque? Good idea to use your scales especially as she's off on her hollibobs! X
that's a long holiday. Mine is off for three weeks, so i'll see her tomorrow and not agin til new year, but yours must be off half of january too!
Yeah Spangles, after next week my next appt will be 23rd Jan! I dont like to ask if I can pay "over time" as I know its her income and I can do it, its just not the sort of hit I wanted right before Christmas, I know if I was eating I would have to buy food and its kinda the same thing. But I would not actually do most of Jans shopping right before Christmas lol! I just wish she had said when I started. Its come as a bit of a sting but I just can't come off as I know how long it took me to get my behind in gear and started :(
Blimey that's a lot of time without seeing her, never mind the cash. Post dated cheques sounds like a plan, or at least payment in two halves?

Well done on the loss. Where are you posted? X
Well I went for my weigh in and my last appt until the middle of Jan! eeek!

I have lost 4lbs! Happy with that!

This week has been very trying! Hence not being around much to post, I hope for that to change this week as especially without any CDC appts for the next 6 weeks, I am going to need minimins more then ever lol!

I just bit the bullet and ordered a hefty lot of products! Worked out very expensive as I pay the equivalent of approx £55/ £58 a week! So I cannot waste this money! I have to stick to it completely! That was a huge hit right before Xmas and it would be pretty stupid of me just to throw that money away!

So onwards and downwards!
Hiya lovely, thought id pop in on you since you were kind enough to do so to me :-D your first post on this diary made me smile cos ive been saying the same " I am CHOOSING to do this" "i am ALLOWED whatever food I want, im choosing not to" "i want to be slim more than I want to eat whatever" hee hee! Will be keeping tabs!

Much love and well done so far! Xxx
Thanks Claire x I will be keeping tabs on you as well now! Can't wait for your first weigh in!!

I thought I would stop by my diary this morning to preach to the world that the mint crunch bars are EEEEWWWW! :( I had one last night and seriously it was like eating a block of toothpaste! Gutted as have a few of them! Oh well the fact that you do get a hint of chocolate when eating them will help me persevere with them! Oh and also..Spicy Tom soup...Blah! Another one that needs the naughty step! haha!

Today I am indulging in:

Banana Tetra
Spicy Tom soup ( have to get them out of the way or will leave them to the end and will regret that! lol)
Malt Toffee bar ( think its called that!)

Can't wait for my bar! I also LOVE the peanut crunch ones but my cdc had none left :(

I hope everyone else has a good day! x
Ew thoroughly agree about tomato soup, tried it last time and compared it to hot sick, vile stuff!
i like the tomato, but it does have an acidy smell that i *guess* i can see would be a bit like sick. Just to check though - you have to mix it up differently to the other soups (instructions are on the back). some people have hated it at first and then liked it after realising that.
I am still here! Thank you for checking up one me! I have been reading lots rather then posting as I have needed to really dig deep this week and was not feeling very positive. I stuck it out though, despite being a naughty daily weigher and not really seeing the scales move.

Official weigh in day today and I have lost 2lb. I am now 12st 4lbs. It was my fourth weigh in today and I have lost the "expected/promised" stone in a month. So despite only being 2lb, I am happy with that.

I have decided that this week instead of weighing on the coming Monday, I am going to weigh on Saturday morning instead. Christmas eve. As I am going to eat on Christmas day, nothing overboard but just so I can try and make Christmas feel a little "normal" for my son as much as I can with my husband away :( So rather then being freaked out on the day after Christmas day ( Monday) by any gain that eating may give me, I thought for my own sanity I would weigh on the Saturday (Christmas eve) then go back to Monday weigh ins on the 2nd Jan. I will not be eating over New year, I literally will just be nibbling on a small dinner on Christmas day.

I so hope I can get into the 11's soon! Its actually a good weight to be right now going into Christmas day as I am soooooo near those 11's and virgin blubber to lose that I won't go crazy on Christmas day! I have not been below 12 stone for about 9 years!

I hope everyone else has a nice Monday and enjoys all the festivities coming up in whatever way you choose :)