So to answer your questions: Leeds lost ( not a suprise for me) and OH took me to Stockport

Never been before but really liked it. Had a walked on the beach, pier and in town. Shared fish and chips with OH and had a little 99 ice cream. But you know what?! I dont feel guilty because I didnt stuff myself and let it slip into a binge. Over my points but going be good for the rest of the week
Rach, I know I could leave him at home but things been rocky recently and wanted to "have some time together"
Rosie: Thank you. I have noticed that man likes to have normal not skinny looking woman in bed. This makes me to go off ww and eat choco!
Gabs, sorry! I just assosiate you with excercise and gym guru and thought it was you. Please forgive me my mistake. xx
Joanne, I am defrosting one for tomorrow morning

yum yum
Shanon: Leeds lost which upset my OH but I managed to cheer him up
Karen: He took me out 5 min before the game ended! I was impressed and didnt send him on a guilt trip

I dont mind football that much. Can watch it and even go to the game. The best bit of going to the game are burgers and a pint
Overall very positive day dispite TOTM but didnt binge and very proud of myslef

Will try to go for a sneaky secret run tomorrow when OH leaves. I want to check are excercises for me knee working and just impatient to be back in my running gear. Will let you know how it went. Have your fingers crossed for me please.