What a fab cake and what a talented girl you are!! I could eat a big slab of that now!!
Thanks Jaxie
Karo, that cake is amazing, and i cant believe how different you look from your other picture - you look stunning (your OH is a lucky'un!

hope you have a good week, and well done on your 100% days so far

Thanks Rach for cake and photo compliment

God, you know how to make me feel good! Hoping on having 100% week. OH back today to we will see how it goes! It is so easy to stick to diet when men are not around!
WOW - cake looks amazing - 32 eggs?! You may as well have thrown in the whole chicken!
And as other say, you look gorgeous in your new photo
Thanks Shanon! Off to your diary in a sek to see how the date went last night
mmmm cake!!
hows it all going hun? hope all ur assignments are nearly done or coming on well - ur so good getting it all done its really hard to stay motivated when ur not actually in a class room i think, i remember all the time i was meant to be at home on study leave and i was sunbathing instead listening to music lol - so well done you!!!
also i meant to say the other day did u go to bolton abbey? my mums cottage is about 30mins from there and we often go there for walks, she lives in pendle so we walk up that big pendle hill too when the weather is nice - such a beautiful part of england xxx
Thanks Gabs. Assignments coming on well. Got two small and one masive one to do for 6th May. I know I will do it, just a matter of sitting down and doing it!
Set up
wii fit coach last night- took me 20 min to create my profil!

This morning did 60min cardio workout and have to say enjoyed it. The moves are easy so I didnt lost the plot comparing to SHAPE DVD where I could complete a single 10min routine because thay didnt explain the steps. I got sweaty, very sweaty during that 60 min which went past very quick.
So I think I am going be a wii fit coach lover
Also got zoe lucker dvd today and might have a go at it tomorrow or monday.
Been busy all morning, wii fit coach, physio - no good news- shopping for the weekend, got home and did physio excercises, lunch, fileted two plaice fish for tonight tea and now got few min to relax on minimins.
Can I ask you a question, what is a dressing code for attending a first communion as a guest? Never been to one in UK and not sure what to wear. Don't want to wear jeans and see that everyone wears hats!
Off to spy what s new in diaries