nutter nikki's - the push for Xmas

Surfhunny said:
How did it go Nikki?? How's the new eyes??

"Food is not comfort if you're not comfortable!"

Ditto. I can't imagine she's able to read yet.
It's Thursday :) still counting down the days. Last Tuesday wearing glasses!
great things said:
It's Thursday :) still counting down the days. Last Tuesday wearing glasses!

Ahhhh, I knew it was a day that started with a T.
T minus 24!

Happy Wednesday!
last wednesday wearing glasses.
Tomorrow, tomorrow...
Today! T minus 3 hours! Actually quite scared! Been having laser eye surgery dreams last night.
great things said:
Today! T minus 3 hours! Actually quite scared! Been having laser eye surgery dreams last night.

I'm excited and pleased for you. It'll be uncomfortable afterwards whilst you heal, but I have a friend on FB (that I knew IRL) that had his dine over 10 years ago has not regretted it for a minute.
The laser is playing up. Just got a call. :( waiting on the engineer to come out! Might have to go into Newcastle for it instead.
great things said:
The laser is playing up. Just got a call. :( waiting on the engineer to come out! Might have to go into Newcastle for it instead.

That bites... But I wouldn't want this done with a faulty laser.
Sat in Newcastle clinic. Had tests repeated. Just waiting to see nurse and surgeon.
great things said:
Sat in Newcastle clinic. Had tests repeated. Just waiting to see nurse and surgeon.

Fingers crossed -- excited for you.
Done. Eyes watering. Bloodshot. Hazy. Can already see that I can see but can't keep eyes open for long.
How brave. I assume you have drops and directions. I hope you recover quickly.
Yes. 3 lots of drops. Here's a picture. Eyes have stopped watering now and actually feel loads better


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All done now, your eyes will settle quickly, I net it feels amazing to be able to wake up in the morning and be able to see!!!

"Food is not comfort if you're not comfortable!"
Eyes feel better today. Woke during the night and put some drops in. I was scared that my flap would get stuck to my eye lid if I didn't. All is well. Eyes are still bloodshot particularly my right one.

I can see. It's still but strange as some close up things need a few seconds for me adjust to. I can't stare close up in the mirror like I'm used to as it just goes out of focus.

Took 3 diazapan yesterday. 1 before surgery. 1 when I got home to make me sleep and another at bedtime. Haven't yet taken any pain killers. Drops are going in on schedule.

Off to local branch at lunch time for my first check up. Then I should be able to drive again!
P.S weight and diet has been ignore for 2 weeks now and I've got to say I've turned into a hefalump :(
great things said:
P.S weight and diet has been ignore for 2 weeks now and I've got to say I've turned into a hefalump :(

That's why we're friends... I'm a Woozle!

Eyes checked out and I'm now driving again. I've got 20/6 vision. Brill! Hope it stays that way. Right eye is still bruised and red.


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