I love the safari park, is my favourite place in the world! And they've just had the most gorgeous white lion cubs, they're my favourite I think

I took 3 of my nieces a couple of weeks ago because I had my staff tickets to use up, meant the 4 of us got in free (saving £60) and then got wristbands for the rides and amusement area (saving £45) so I was happy! Meant a nice cheap trip... well apart from lunch... dinner... drinks... and getting them doughnuts and ice cream!
Still no clearer at all on what's going on in his head, but not sure I'll ever be! I was thinking he'd been a bit off with me lately, since I went to see him, but I think I've realised I'm just being silly and reading too much into things. He's worked none stop since the 30th, doing 9 hour night shifts, then going to the gym, and he's not been sleeping great. Last night he woke up 3 hours after he was meant to be at work! So he called them and went back to bed instead lol But text a little before he went to sleep again and he said that he is so tired, more tired than he's ever been in his life. He's been in the army, he knows tired! So he's probably not been being off with me, just been tired, and because sleep has been broken, it's spread over longer time, so he's been getting up later. If that all makes sense! God I ramble.
But to answer someone's question that they asked earlier, about whether I'd take him and his toilet texts over anyone else, I think I can safely say I would. Me and my friend still sometimes go on this site, which is only meant to be a laugh, and a guy asked if I wanted to meet for a drink. I might have done ordinarily, if I wasn't in the wimpy I don't want to meet a stranger mood, but my first thought was he's nice enough, but he's not Ben. Which is pretty sad and pathetic considering he probably doesn't even like me! But yeah... I like him. I should probably try stop that!