O/T Own language!

I say it too lol - I'm in Penzance

I call elephants paktachunks - it started when I was little from the song Nellie the Elephant packed her trunk and trundled off to the circus. Obviously in my mind it was Nellie the Elephant (aka paktachunk) and trundled off.......

All creepy crawlies are boogles, but there are flying boogles, biting boogles and stinging boogles too, but the worst are the foreign boogles cos you don't know what category they fall into - could even be all three!

Slippers are pings because my son when he was a toddler had slippers with elasticated bits on the side and when we put them on him we would pretend to "ping" the elastic.

There are more, but I think I've shown myself up enough for one post lol
Ha ha great thread.
We call rough folk 'dobbers' (ie Jeremy Kyle guests!).
We also same 'I'm agate....' to describe something we said or did (!)
If someone makes something up as a tease its called a 'belm' (but while saying it you've to pull a strange face and rub your chin at the same time!
we're all nutters - lol x
Most of these are courtesy of my OH or father (both nutters!)

loop the loop (soup)
Flickey do (remote)
we umbejoyed it (enjoyed.... no idea!! :rolleyes:)
they went biswick (beserk)

my son also 'smooths' the cats... at least he has an excuse he's 4!

Plenty of more no doubt.. I'll remember them at 3 in the morning & I'll curse you all!!!! :D:D
Most of these are courtesy of my OH or father (both nutters!)

loop the loop (soup)
Flickey do (remote)
we umbejoyed it (enjoyed.... no idea!! :rolleyes:)
they went biswick (beserk)

my son also 'smooths' the cats... at least he has an excuse he's 4!

Plenty of more no doubt.. I'll remember them at 3 in the morning & I'll curse you all!!!! :D:D
"Smooths the cat" love it. xxx
Blowing a hooley- windy outside
Jammies- pyjamas
Council pop- water
Blankie- my brown fleecey blanket
Pumps or daps - plimsolls
Mardy- grumpy
Molly - looks awful/untrendy
Gip- retch
Brew- tea