Or is it this weekend.x
I Wouldnt do a bunk on u sal u make me laf 2 much![]()
Saaall where r u. I feel sooo abandoned,haha.x
Hiya matey! Still feeling crap-sick as a dog-my mum had 2 come and help me with Sam yesterday.She sent me to bed at 4 o clock cos she said I looked green.Sam came looking 4 me so that didnt last iong (complete with muddy boots and the lot!)Still went 2 work cos I feel guilty letting people down. Scared half the customers off with my pasty face,Lol! Why is it when you,re poorly your make-up seems to disappear straight away? Whats that about?!Weigh in shows a 2lb loss but i,m not getting too excited cos its not a true loss when you,re poorly is it? As long as it stays off 4 next week n I maintain i.ll b happy! How r u hun?Aww wot a crapy week uve had hun. Keep going back to the docs tho til u get to the botom of it. Yeh diets going good and stil doing the workouts. U dont seem to have done 2 bad this week tho. U mite get a gud suprise 2moz tho. I Felt dizzy 4 ages it felt like my head wa guna fall off,turns out it was coz i had an ear infection and my sinuses wa playing up.x
Sal u need to get back to the docs and find out whats going on. Its no fun bein ill but when u have kids to luck afta its horendus. 2 pounds realy gud and im sure u will loose more next week. Im doing gud,well i had a few too many biccys last nite but with the exercise ive been doing i doubt it has effected me.x
How u doing today hun,any better.x
Yeh i doing realy gud and im getting sum shape bak to my body again. Glad your feeling a little better. Just take it easy and dont do too much.x