Silver Member
God sal wel dun. U wouldnt catch me running 4 the bus. 1 hand holdin lil 1 and the other holding my boobs down!!! Will not do running.![]()
That,so funny! Thought it was just me! Lol!
Sal x
God sal wel dun. U wouldnt catch me running 4 the bus. 1 hand holdin lil 1 and the other holding my boobs down!!! Will not do running.![]()
You wouldnt like my Advanced Tae Bo dvd then!Its serious ass kicking stuff! Lol!Oh no. U Want to c my sister if she breaks in to a brisk walk, 2 black eyes!! Dont think id jump either. Workout dvds arnt looking good for me.x
I had that problem hun(being a 38DD and all that!!) You need a good sports bra-Shock Absorbers are fab!Nope if i have to hold my boobs down its a no go.haha
I,m the same n dont even go there with knickers.Other half keeps asking if i,ve got any others apart from big black ones! They,re my maternity ones-theres plenty of wear in them-seems a shame to throw ,em away! He said i used to have lovely white lacy numbers before i had Sam.He forgets we,ve a 3 year old to dress now-cant believe I used to spend 30 quid on a bra and a tenner on a pair of knickers-i mean -A TENNER!! Ridic!Im a 36dd and always have bra traumas. Cant seem to find a brill one. Wen i bend down they just escape im foreva sorting my boobs out.x
I can,t believe i used to wear tiny thongs-i,d look like a sumo wrestler now! Lol!Totaly agree with u there coz im the same. On the other hand tho i wish i could be arsed to make the effort. Its not the same tho when your bigger than u was coz my bum ends up munching the lacy numbers,haha.x
I know,I dont want to buy any til I lose weight-OH,d die of fright if I wore n e thing smaller than a 2 man tent. He keeps expecting 2 c a Romanian family camping out in them! Lol!Me 2 but i want to get sum nice undies i just cnt seem to tacle the weight so i luk half decent in them. Got my sisters wedding next year in greece and id love to wear a bikini. I Neva in my life have ever worn 1!! Dont think id dare tho my mum tum is stretch marked,not the worse but enuf 4 me to be self concious about it. Stil dont realy like the o.h seeing it after 12 years. Gota sort this diet out tho i think al this crap food isnt helping my eye bags and sleeping.x
Your so funny sal u realy make me laf.x
Have u started sw sal? how u finding it.x
Im just trying to not obsess over food and eat 3 meals a day and move abit more. Thats realy gud is that sal, wish id just put a pound on instead of 7!!
How did u get on with the unatended box of after eights? Wish i had some. There like pringles u just cant stop!!! Making curry tonite,cant wait im so hungry.x