Yeh i would rather no what i weigh every day but the bloody bats gone. Dont think ive dun too bad but god i cud eat pringles fray bentos pie,cheesy chips and lots ov choc rite now. Just a tad peckish.x
My OH would-he doesnt really eat junk food now if it was lager he couldnt leave it alone!Wel kinda. I called at asda and got a choc cake and sum cream!!! Not great but cud of done much worse. Im realy guna try hard now tho coz weve had a little bit of sun this week and it reminds me of how i wana be smaler for summer and wear nice things. Well he has got a point but who can resist doretos and dip coz men certainly wudnt.x
Yeah-I think i,d rather have the money for a new wardrobe when I got to target! Depends on how desperate you are I suppose! You,ve only a stone to go -you,ll easily do that matey!Wish i didnt eat junk life would be so much easier. My sis is in the same boat as me and shes at her heaviest shes been so shes booked her self in for lipo laser!! Aparantly your supposed to loose 3-4cm on your first sesion and u can have as many as u want. 55 pound a go tho. Think il just plod on with the trying not to eat crap tho.x
Exactlly!-Its that long since i was at target all my smaller jeans r old fashioned now!Me too. No gud lucking gud if you dont have anything to wear wen u get to goal is there.x
Well then its defo time to get to target and treat yourself to sum lovely clothes and u neva no sal u cud get your nice undies again bet oh would b well pleased.haha.x
Haha i no wot u mean. I got a slender tone yesterday and 20 mins of that is like doing 200 sit ups. You can feel it 2 when youve dun it. Your tumy feels nice and tight. X
Just posted a thread on it-need some thinspiration! Looking like SW at the moment but i did put bit on the WW board so dont think I,ll get much back up on that one!I feel your pain. You wil get there tho. Have u decided which plan your guna do.x
Yep i think you,re right-I want to eat healthier without having to obsess about it ,as much for my health as anything else.I think if I do SW but stick to 3 meals a day (only snacking on superfree fruit and veg like they suggest) then that automatically means my portions will be controlled without literally weighing everything as with WW.I know I could do that with the SF plan on WW but choice of foods is more limited.Thinking a lot more positive now-cant wait for Tues!I like sw but it just means i can be greedy. I like ww but i dont wana count points al my life. y dont u give sw a go and c how u get on. I Think u need a break from countin points and on sw u wil b able to have dif foods that wud b high in points on ww.x
Cheers matey-yeah and I,ll be back at work so not as much chance of night time nibbling--if i can go straight to bed when I come in from work instead of via the fridge i,ll b ok!I,I,ll b back on the treadmill as well co Sam,ll b back at nursery.Weekends n nights off work r the worst-got to resist Sams fish n chips-well chips n batter he doesnt leave the healthy bit!The friend that I joined WW with has lost a stone now so I,d better get crackin (mind you I dont c her any more cos she owes me £120 quid catalogue money but thats a different story!)Ah there u go then sal. You should have a luk round the sw forum and get some different recipe ideas so that you have a plan for next week. Its a gud feeling when you feel your get up and go coming back. You do stil have syns tho dont you, you could have a treat day if your alowed to save them up then you wont feel deprived. I dont no bout you but wen i feel deprived thats when i fail. Glad your feeling positive and feeling good bout tuesday.x
Thanks for the confidence hun! 2 be fair even though she,s lost a stone i,m still 3 stone lighter-just got to make sure she doesnt catch me up!I think she,s got the kick up the bum to do it cos she,s got a new fella! Shame the husband (who she dumped last year) came to pick up the kids while he was there! Ha ha!She will be hiding from you sal. You sound like youve got a plan for next week which is brill. Kids dont half mess up the routine when there off school. roll on monday i say!! You can do this sal and im sure u wil do loads better than your mate. Just think of summer when your too hot to trot in all your nice new clothes.xx