Oatbran Porridge


I'm not doing Dukan, but I am thinking of buying some oatbran to make into porridge since the weather is starting to get quite chilly and I'm doing low carb.

How much water would you use to make a thick-ish porridge from 3tbsp of oatbran?

Do you have favourite oatbran porridge recipes? I think I'm going to mix plain protein powder, ground almonds & vanilla extract into it, and then top it with low fat Greek yogurt, berries and powdered sweetener.
I'm not sure how much water I use - I just sloosh enough in to make it a bit gloopy looking then nuke it in the microwave for about 2 mins, stirring halfway through. And I'm a purist, nothing other than a bit of skim milk and sweetener. Oh and a snip of salt. To be honest, I find it very filling just like that so adding other stuff seems a bit unnecessary. But I just had an oat bran pancake with some sugar free maple syrup and greek yoghurt that never fails to brighten up my pp Thursday. The maple syrup is yum!