OK, I'm going to talk about food, and while I may not have trigger piglets like you'll get over at Casting Nasturtium's diary (but no one can compete with that diary, it's a winner), I thought I'd better give a warning and some space for you to leave this page before I start speaking about...
bread. Right, if you're still with me, I had sourdough toast for breakfast. I wasn't planning it, but I was busy with my daughter and we were going out, and when I got out I realised I'd forgotten my morning shake. We popped into a coffee shop, which was in the plan, and I decided to have some of this toast that is the most amazing, delicious toast ever, which was not in the plan. It's two pretty huge slices, which would equal probably more bread combined than I've eaten in months.
It tasted pretty good, although I left a bit of it, but almost immediately I felt rubbish. All morning, I've felt bloated and so tired, and I wasn't hungry for lunch until just now - around 3.30pm. That's not me at all. I'm headachey, my tummy is really sticking out, and I don't feel good. I think I've definitely gotten over my love of bread. I have wished all day to have just had my morning shake.
Seems so crazy! I can't tell you how much I used to love that toast.