OBG (Operation Bridal Gown!)

i'm so jealous of you all. We're putting our renewal on hold for a while so we can have another baby first. I will get to wear a wedding dress one day!
I'm still waiting on the proper photos as photographer is on holiday but here is one we took in the room later on . Other pics to follow x


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I'm still waiting on the proper photos as photographer is on holiday but here is one we took in the room later on . Other pics to follow x

Beautiful pic, many congrats hun xxxx
Hi All, not been OBGing for a bit so thought I'd pop in, I've got 13 months to go now and all I've done is sort the Venue, Photog, Registrar and DJ!

What else do I need to be doing?! Does anyone have a timeline or tracker for what to do in the 12 months before?! Cheers xxxxxx
MancBird said:
Hi All, not been OBGing for a bit so thought I'd pop in, I've got 13 months to go now and all I've done is sort the Venue, Photog, Registrar and DJ!

What else do I need to be doing?! Does anyone have a timeline or tracker for what to do in the 12 months before?! Cheers xxxxxx

order of service
Wedding gift list
Hair & make up + trial
Toast master
A few things to do :) hope this helps xx

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OMG its tomorrow! Good news is the brides dad is being allowed out of hosp for the ceremony AND reception! He has been warned it will knock him for six for a few days but says it will be worth it.
ninnins said:
OMG its tomorrow! Good news is the brides dad is being allowed out of hosp for the ceremony AND reception! He has been warned it will knock him for six for a few days but says it will be worth it.

Awww that's fantastic I'm so pleased for you. Have a fab day and try to take as much of it in :)

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MB - you need to get Brides magazine - its my wedding Bible!!!! It has a month by month planner of what you should be doing - its soooo helpful! x
Hey Dumps and Laura!!! miss you guys!!! :D

Laura - have a fabulous day! hope its perfect - have you reached the targets you wanted to? Lots of photos on here please!!!

Dumps - restarting? whats that all about then? xxxx

Hello lovely! You are doing soooo well! Well done! Since starting the new job I have been off plan - grabbing lunch here and there and just not following plan! All excuses which I'm starting to rectify! Haven't been to class for 3 weeks due to work commitments but need to redress the balance and get back into it! xxx
We had a great day! Everyone was so relaxed apart from when she first seen her dad at the church and got a bit teary. Think the whole place welled up when they were coming down the aisle! Her dad loved the whole day and stayed for the meal which he wolfed down! He got a standing ovation when he was leaving and was lapping it up doing a royal wave to the door.

Last night I was googling ideas to do with the bouquets and found out you can make beads out of the flowers when they are dried. So gonna give that a whirl. Its the brides birthday next week and hope to have a bracelet or something finished for her to go with her pressie when they get back from honeymoon. Hopefully the flowers will be dried out enough by then! :fingerscrossed:

Will get some photos up soon
Well I received my dress, bought of Ebay but brand new. It's nice, but not completely convinced so have another coming this week!! Then will decide between the two.

Need to get my invites sorted too.
Hi guys, I have enjoyed reading your posts. I am getting married next July and have just bought a dress (second-hand) off the internet and.....I love it, but it's very, very small around the belly. I really don't know if it will fit, even if I do get to target. Wasn't dear, and I've got time but gosh ain't it true that wedding dress sizes come up small!!? I'm thinking TWO sizes and not just one (or I'm having a very fAT day!) Just gathering my thoughts today. i might have to shelve / re-sell that dress as much as it's good to have a target, it should be realistic, right? x
Biggysmalls - I think you're right. You need a realistic target.

Also you want to feel amazing on your wedding day - regardless of what size label your dress has!

I'd wait until after Christmas - see how you feel, and then make a decision!
OMG the dress arrived and it is PERFECT I am over the moon. Only problem is it actually fits like a glove now, and ive got at least 2 more stone to go!!!!

It looks like it could be taken in quite easily though so hopefully it wont be a problem!
Wow! That's exciting!
do we get to see photos of your dress hun? fab news it can be altered!!!

I cant wait to see my dress - got to wait until August though :\