OBG (Operation Bridal Gown!)

Looking back, I wish we'd got married abroad. So much less hassle, costs etc. Paul asked me when we were in Vegas in 1999, and I just laughed him off. Didn't realise he was serious! Oopppss! Alwaes said we'd go back and re-new our vows there for our 10th anniversary, but unless we win the lottery big time, it won't be happening next summer! :(
Hola! May I join please?

As some of you know, I'm getting married next year. (Eeep!!) on the 24th November 2012.

The fact of the matter is; I will NOT be a fat bride. I refuse!
While every woman looks beautiful on their wedding day, I, personally, do NOT want to be looking at the photo's thinking if I had tried harder my dress would have been a smaller size and I would have felt a lot better.

So, anyone else getting married?
I am!!!! haha! a lot sooner - and i am still HUGE (enormous, massssssive) and stressed out over the whole 'i might not fit in my dress' issue!

I have 18 weeks and i need to be slim by then.

Argh! x
Hello Elle! Bonjour Brit!!
Let's get the thread going again eh-I need motivation!

Shall we talk frocks for a bit, that might help.

I want something quite fitted over waist and hips but then skirt from mid-thigh. Not mermaid nor a-line but somewhere inbetween. I want a nice corseted top to make my waist look teeny lol!!

What's yours like Elle?
Ooh dress! mine is a Maggie Sottero dress, so her styles are very Fairytale esque - mine is sparkly, corsetted and then quite a classy line to it - with glitz/detail all over. Its Ivory and has a lace up back.....its ruched round my bust!

It is too small right now - and i have 18 weeks to fit into it. Although its not been delivered to the store yet. August they said.

Excited. Much!
Out of the ones I've tried on, this one is my fave so far;


Your dress idea sounds lovely, Helliecopter! I bought a dress online but when it arrived, although gorgeous and pretty much my ideal dress, it is FAR too small. I am going to see how I feel about it (ie whether or not it is a vaguely realistic target) after Christmas and if needs be, look again at buying a new one then. Because it will be hot in Las Vegas and then my party will be low-key bbq vibe, I don't want /can't have anything too big, fancy or heavy....(even though I am sure a small part of me would probably quite like a MASHOOSIVE puff ball if I ever tried one on :D) Anyway, cheap, simple, flattering and white are now the main criteria for me, given teh circumstances.
The dress I have is Sized 12 but HONESTLY it is more a size 8 in my view (wedding dress sizes are pretty weird and inconsistent - well, I guess all dress sizes are depending on the shop, material etc.) and I think it might just be a bridge too far for me in terms of weight-loss / inch-loss, but I am going to see how I get on for a bit, focussing a bit on inches rather than pounds. I have been doing the C25k (and loving it) and I think I have toned up already a bit (but still a loooonnnng way to go). I want to go on and maybe try Bridge to ten km next. I see some of the girls on here have done the 30-Day Shred video. The thought of it makes me nervous as it sounds tortuous but then I will be looking at these photos for the rest of my life so maybe it would be worth it for the results..... Oh, I dunno....

To be honest, I genuinely never thought I would go on a wedding-dress diet at all, but now that it's in sight, the idea of looking the best I could is pretty tempting.

If I was having a traditioal wedding, I think the stress of it all might cause me to lose a few pounds, but we both want our wedding to be as far as possible stress-free, so Las Vegas it is, just the two of us with a few dollars to spend in the casino afterwards, and then honeymoon in San Francisco, I think. Not everyone's cup of tea but the logistics of bringing my massive family together with his tiny family who live thousands of miles away, would be too much hassle and money for us to enjoy. Las Vegas is one of the places neither of us has been and would both like to go to. Plus some of my family are very opinionated and I think I could be very sensitive and I fear we would all have stupid massive arguments about the colour of chair sashes or something :p...Actually, I have a feeling that organising the bbq afterwards with around 100 people with be enough for me to be getting on with!
Can't see your pic on this computer, QualityB...will be dying to get a look when I get back onto my own PC
i cant see the pics either :/

I love my dress so much i am going through the 30 day shred again - and doing the gym on top of that, plus i have the slendertone on the go! did all 3 yesterday and i am still alive!!! :)

No pain - no dress fitting - and the amount of money spent on the photographers i am NOT going to hate my pics! It does seem a little too much too late - but then i remind myself i am close to 5 stone off now, and i WILL get slimmer for the wedding.

Got to stop drinking ! haha! x
Elle, you are so determined! And wow, that's some amount of exercise you are doing, I just know you will look amazing. I don't think you've left it too late at all, as you say- you have shifted almost five stone and are well on your way to being your optimum size. Imagine if you hadn't started SW back when you did- you'd be looking at a different dress, different size, different look completely.

For me, Ijust don't want pople to look at me and think "Oh, wouldn't she be gorgeous if she wasn't on the plump side; she has a nice face and a nice dress" lol

Do you recommend the Shred then? And what about Slendertone? As I said, I'm thinking in terms of losing inches, particularly from the belly / hips
Elle, you are so determined! And wow, that's some amount of exercise you are doing, I just know you will look amazing. I don't think you've left it too late at all, as you say- you have shifted almost five stone and are well on your way to being your optimum size. Imagine if you hadn't started SW back when you did- you'd be looking at a different dress, different size, different look completely.

For me, Ijust don't want pople to look at me and think "Oh, wouldn't she be gorgeous if she wasn't on the plump side; she has a nice face and a nice dress" lol

Do you recommend the Shred then? And what about Slendertone? As I said, I'm thinking in terms of losing inches, particularly from the belly / hips

Hun - how long until the wedding!!??!??!

I get married in July 2012, so I do still have a while....but i am nonetheless daunted. I have never been skinny in my life, certainly never less than a big Size 12. The good thing is I have only spent £130 on the dress I got, so if I do need to buy another, I suppose I can afford it.

Alcohol is one of my big vices too when it comes to SW. I also gave up smoking just over 6 months ago so in some ways I think I'm doing okay just not to have GAINED weight, never mind drop dress sizes!
That's really pretty Brittany, very girly. The sweetheart neckline suits you very much!

I'll see if I can find a pic or link to my current fave to show you. I've not taken a photo of me in any yet, I thought most places didn't let you so I haven't asked!!!
Here is my current front runner. Not totally sure about it though. I'm Ms Indecisive!!!


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Ooh dress! mine is a Maggie Sottero dress, so her styles are very Fairytale esque - mine is sparkly, corsetted and then quite a classy line to it - with glitz/detail all over. Its Ivory and has a lace up back.....its ruched round my bust!

Ooh which Maggie?!?
There are some very pretty Maggie frocks out there. Sounds lovely - I love a bit of ruching!
Hi all. Im pretty much new on here. I have been doing slimming world for 4 weeks now and I have been engaged for 5 months. We have set the date for the 1st of june 2013 so i have just under 2 years to organise it but with a very tight budget i think its going to take that long.
I have been told i need to loose 66lbs to be in my healthy bmi and 4 weeks in i have lost 11lbs so im feeling very confident, the only problem then will be keeping it off.
I have enjoyed reading through everyones stories so far and look forward to reading even more.
