Ohtobeslinky's Diary

Thanks guys - and no I don't drink coffee - I keep trying to like it but it really doesn't do it for me! x
Good luck with your weigh in...

Post and let us know..

i have my first weigh in tomorrow and im a little excited... ive felt good all week no headaches no hunger pangs (well not much...)

and yea *ahem* probs... ive never been regular and yea im having them too...

i didnt know you could take anything except that fiber gell stuff that dont seem any good to me..

if you can take dulcalux i might nip out and get some today from tescos...

good luck.. and lets hope for another good week.....
Be careful with Ducolax - it is evil! Massive stomach cramps - but it does the job. We can also take sennacot - doesn't work for me but others swear by it. x
Ok so I've lost 4lbs this week - not amazing but I have had *ahem* problems! x
Hun, It is amazing. You have lost over 2 stone in 3 weeks!!!!!!!
Did you talk to pham about your *ahem issues?
Yes but she didn't seem too bothered and just told me to take the Ducolax - which I hate! I got about 2 hours sleep last night because of that stuff! x
Doubleshot coffee an hour after shake first thing in the morning has sorted any problem I've had.

Well done on the loss so far :)
A huge well done to everyone on here... its so, so inspiring. I always come on here when I need a little boost, particularly when I'm just about to eat my right arm.... I've been doing LT for several weeks now, but why oh why is it always the 3rd day of each week that I feel the need to order the entire McDonalds menu and hide away to munch it all? If I could just erase Wednesdays, I'd be fine! Lol! Ahh well... onwards and downwards - in weight terms of course! xx
Eurgh I am a bad bad Katy. I ate some chicken. I know I shouldn't have and it was only a tiny bit. But still. I feel totally crap about it. I haven't told anyone else but I thought I should come clean somehow! Back on it 200% - I'm not going to be fat any longer! I have to stick to this horrific pile of c**P that is this diet! x
Brilliant losses, 2 stone in 3 weeks. wow! Keep going girl your doing fab.
Katy, you will be fine, a tiny bit of chicken like that won't affect your weightloss.....it is hard doing what we do... and so easy to cheat....!! Your next weigh in will validate what you are doing and give you a boost!!!? Good luck!
Hun, It is so hard and you are doing so well. Put it behind you now.... it never happened. If you were going to eat something then you ate the best thing possible. It mightnt have taken you out of ketosis and probably wont affect your weight loss.
Dont feel guilty... it wont help but might lead to to eat more. Learn from this experience. That what doesnt kill us makes us stronger. And you are strong. You CAN do this.
Niamh xxx
Thank you. I mean it - thank you so very much. I've been really kicking myself about it and I'll be ok if it shows on the scales. I'm in this for the long haul - I know there may be blips on the way xxx
Just love your diary, and your weight loss to date is fab. You started with me and are doing so well. Keep up the good work and you will love the results .......!!!!. Hope you have a good day 2morrow. I'm having mood swings all the time. It's hard but worth it. Keep it going pet.
Cheers Teg! And you keep going too! The mood swings are a bugger but those closest should understand. My OH keeps getting it in the neck for no reason.... luckily OH very understanding, gives me a hug and tells me to shut up! Just what I need xxx
my OH although understanding is of the impression that this diets my choice.. and why should he change...:( so hes not.....

Ive had to put up with him doing bbq's, cooking steak and chips.. pastas and garlic bread.... bacon sandwiches each morning for his breakfast.... its killing me but im determined to carry on

i can visualise me in a nice dress on my holidays and that means more to me than any food....

so when im low.. and i smell the stuff my husband cooks.. i just imagine that dress.. and what it will feel like to eventually be the slim me i always wanted .. and that cheers me up.....

Its only a few weeks i keep telling myself...

a few being about ten.... ergh
Whoop whooop that's another 4lbs off - that means I'm the lightest I've been since uni - and I left there in 2004! GET IN! xxx
Well that's totally poo. Gained 1lb. But saying that it is TOTM and I have been known to gain half a stone at times! And my *ahem* problem is back so I'm gonig to sort it, get my head back in gear (it's kinda gone off on one this week) and next week I'll be back on track with another ace weight loss. *sigh* x