Hey girls Ta 4 Ur well wishes!! Dance class cancelled tonite Delighted as its a miserable cold windy wet evenin out! DD wants to do a DVD l8r so will do some with her When I was cold earlier I started joggin on d spot and she asked me if I was holdin my tummy muscles in? Hilarious so I've my own wee personal trainer and she is only 7 !!! I'm not complaining!!!
I c loads of ye r changin over to S&S or Atkins... I'll b keepin an eye on ye.... will miss ye er so will drop in 4 a catch up!!!
Key is to find d one dat Ur body luvs... Gotta suit Ur lifestyle and work commitments and fire up Ur metabolism to burn off all Ur unwanted lbs!!!!
Let's raise a pint of water or Coke Zero to toast our future success stories when we have all reached our goals!!! We will walk this journey together thro to d end regardless whether it takes one week, one mth or one yr!! Cheers girls!!!
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