Total Solution Ok Fresh start today!!!

Woohoo! Great about the skirt! It's certainly cheaper than buying lots of new clothes (not saying I won't do that as well though, a girl has to keep up with the times ;))
I'm doing my DVD tomorrow too, you're brill with your exercise- getting up at 6 to do it is real determination!
Not sure about the two piece, my stretch marks aren't too pretty but I might be so proud who knows I might not care. We're hoping to go away somewhere hot and beautiful in autumn so watch this space....there may be some after shots in my bikini ;) I've got before pics but not the courage to put them up yet. Maybe when I've lost more I will xx

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Well done re' the skirt Shoobs!

Snap I have soya and not milk, but discovered I love soya cream in my coffees. Missing them now! :D
Top of d mornin to all my lovelies!!!! Just woke so better get my backside in gear and get pounding ..... Gud luck to those of ye that r studying.... Hope course assignments get completed today....ahem....ahem....ahem.... No pressure!!!!!! Hee hee
Well girls if we want our scales to move a little faster don't expect miracles to happen if Ur not movin Ur booty!!!! So let's all aim to get more active this wk..... Ease off usin weights ... Stick on some music and dance away to Ur hearts content..... Go on wiggle it just a little bit..sweat babies sweat..... And we will b rewarded!!!!
Gud luck to all of u WI today.... I'm Crossin Everythg for u
Time to practice what I preach.... As don't want to b a hyprocrite!!!
Have a Mighty Monday girls!!!!

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Top of d mornin to all my lovelies!!!! Just woke so better get my backside in gear and get pounding ..... Gud luck to those of ye that r studying.... Hope course assignments get completed today....ahem....ahem....ahem.... No pressure!!!!!! Hee hee
Well girls if we want our scales to move a little faster don't expect miracles to happen if Ur not movin Ur booty!!!! So let's all aim to get more active this wk..... Ease off usin weights ... Stick on some music and dance away to Ur hearts content..... Go on wiggle it just a little bit..sweat babies sweat..... And we will b rewarded!!!!
Gud luck to all of u WI today.... I'm Crossin Everythg for u
Time to practice what I preach.... As don't want to b a hyprocrite!!!
Have a Mighty Monday girls!!!!

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good morning....shoo U R BRilll....mwa x
Good morning Shoobs, have a fab exciting not stop day! :D :hug99: xx
Hey girlies
Finally gettin a chance to check in on ye
Crazy busy day work wise but it wud b worse if I hadn't a job and was twiddling my thumbs at home!!!! Gettin Tesco bars from my sis in law tomoro morn Can't wait as I find it easier to have half a bar 4 bfast, d other half 4 lunch then a shake at home at half 3 and then porridge with my family at dinner time ( @ half 4) Then bouillon @ half 8
Today I had porridge 4 bfast after I did a combat (kickboxing DVD) Then Coke Zero , Green Tea and water at work, hot CHoc shake at half 3 and just had porridge Did feel light headed at work.... Didn't help fasting for so long so bars r a must!!!
Well people r noticing at work how my face and bod have slimmed down Haven't been asked any awkward ?'s thankfully as TIs none of der business
How was yer day?

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Hey Shoobs, am just signing off for the day, but had to pop by and say that you and the gorge busy lady inspired me to start my proper exercising today! Many, many thanks :hug99: xx

Glad peeps are noticing your weight loss, hope tomorrow's easier once you get your bars, take care and n'night! :)
Nitey nite Gigglepants Can't find my salsa one so DD and I r goin GM 6 min circuits dat r supposed to boost metabolism!!
Nitey nite Til 2 Moro
Onwards and downwards my dear ;)

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Nitey nite Gigglepants Can't find my salsa one so DD and I r goin GM 6 min circuits dat r supposed to boost metabolism!!
Nitey nite Til 2 Moro
Onwards and downwards my dear ;)

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Go girl dont where the H you get your energy from. Let me know if you wanna work on those arms for summer I've got a wicked link. Did it for three weeks and my arms are noticibly thin and toned, even my back fat gone (you know that looks like it's squeezing out of your bra) is much more defined.
Good morning Shoobs, have a fab exciting not stop day! :D :hug99: xx

You know it will pay off, it's just a question of getting going and you soon end up feeling lost when you dont do it.
Oh I'd luv dat link Yes Please Busy busy!!! I'd luv to sculpt my arms 3 wks to son's Communion so am highly motivated at d mo!! Long may it last!!

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Oh I'd luv dat link Yes Please Busy busy!!! I'd luv to sculpt my arms 3 wks to son's Communion so am highly motivated at d mo!! Long may it last!!

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Ok,,,finding bit tricky cutting n pasting on the iPad but it's YouTube pilates in 10 arm workout there are a few but in this one there's a instructor with a green top and black trousers. Go for it, it's only 10min she does your arms biceps and triceps, shoulders chest and back.
Hi shoebs sounds like you had another busy one! I was really tired today, noisy neighbours kept me up late and woke me up at 4am!! Couldn't get back to sleep... Have noticed my taste buds changing, the tomato soup I used to like now doesn't taste very nice! Really bitter. Got to stick to the packs though since I paid for them and consciously haven't got any food in the house!
Cool Will search on laptop now... Many Tanx... Vertual hugs comin Ur way
Time to banish my bingo wings... Hee hee

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You'll be surprised how soon you'll see a difference, do it every other day.
hiya hun , I found ya :) hows it going this morning ? I started my exercise yesterday , restarted the 30 day shred which is one of the most effective exercise DVDs I have ever tried , 20 mins a day but makes a huge difference , I willl get rid of this baby belly if it kills me !!!!