Jo you must be something right them, keep going. Mines gets the same when I lose weight, well he did when I was younger and would try and temp me to eat even though he wanted me to loose too, its change they dont handle it well. Well talking about chlamidia...earlier last year hubby was having problems with his testies.....mmmmm should I tell this story oh well I have started so Ill finish. We were sent to hospital we gound the department that the letter said to go to but him and me were puzzzled why they had sent us to the gum clinic as there was nothing wrong with his teeth....when we went it it all started to click, signs on the wall posters. and when the receptionist asked by what name he wanted to be called by I thought he was going to have a herat attack hahahahahahaha he then started talking very loudly saying I dont know why Im hear Ive just got a lump after a vasectomy...I say a vasectomy , well i was left in the waiting room with some very dodgy looking folk with enormous bags of meds in nose was a little runny and there was a box of hankies on the table well......noway was I touching them incase the person befoe hadnt washed there hands hahahahaha, he came out all flusted looking and we got out of there pretty sharp....heheheheh he said while in there they did a test for chlymidia and he kept saying Ive been married for 30 years....chlymidia wasnt invented then lol, but he admitted he though if he did have it....and he'd been faithfull well.......that could have put the cat amongst the pigeons hahahaha some