Dr referred me to physio & as work have a referral scheme which is quicker than the NHS referred myself to them & had a telephone consulation with them today. The physio disagrees with my Dr & also thinks it's stress manifestering itself, my bodys way of stayong enoughs enough. So still in pain & still no announcement ! Physio has sent a report off to my boss though saying that I am under a massive amount of pressure & the situation needs to be resolved sooner rather than later & he has a duty of care blah blah blah. My boss is actually ok it's those above that need a kicking. I can't leave, I've a mortage & bills to pay & whilst things aren't strictly sorted with me & TDM although we are a lot better than we were I can't take the risk of getting out of it.
So I'm in pain & full of the lerg BUT I am still in control of my food. I am going to do a few extra PV days though I think just until I'm over the cold.
& I log on tonight to find out we have lost 2 more to JUDDD, ah well we are all on the same journey just not the same course
So my food today has been
B Muffins, tofu creme
D Miracle soup
D Chicken breast & miracle soup, tofu creme
TDM did look after me last night, I was feeling sorry for myself. I was so weepy & needy, not like me at all !