Ok here goes, my journey

Ah Jojo - you softie - very true though - I would have been lost without this forum - it was such a bit part of my weight loss journey - still missing the people who have dropped by the wayside and still think about them often and hope they are okay and just getting on with life and not struggling! Hope you have had a good start to the week and you have resolved your wee issue! x
I was just thinking yesterday about CD, she just disappeared and Kirsty was popper poorly and then nothing like you said I hope the are just content and happy xxx
Over the years I have belonged to a number of forums, parenting, crafting, weight loss and beading. I've been lucky enough to find ones that have been very friendly every time. This one and the bead group are really my only avenues at the moment, but its like a family. We all know each other, can listen and not judge and be there for the rants, insecurities, happy times and the eventual weight loss.
Just checking in, I have to say I am cream crackered & it's only day 2 :) Making great progress though.

Hope you are all ok xx
Your sounding bright and happy xxx Early night needed Jo xxx
Its always difficult to get back into a routine.
how you doin today hun ? x
Hi Jo come on check in time xxx
Well ladies I'm currently sitting in A&E , no I've not been throwing myself upon bathroom floors again.

My nan has been a little out of sorts since last weekend. Sort of coming out with things that don't make sense & unable to remember the names of things. Anyway yesterday when I popped in I found her on the floor where she had been all night. She was ok but a little shook up. So this morning I called round at 9 to see she was ok etc.... & found her in the same state only this time I couldn't get her up. To cut a long story short, had to wait for the dr to come after she'd finished surgery & an ambulance was called, been sitting in A&E since just after 5 still waiting to be seen.

Not finished my place yet P but made good progress.

On another note we went out for a curry with some friends the other night, I only had chicken tikka & salad whilst they had the works & I didn't touch a thing off plan :)
Oh no xxx lets hope your nans ok. When my nan was like that it was through an infection and high temperature xxx lets hope its as simple as that xxx
Hey babes, sorry to hear about your nan but you're in the right place.

Years ago, my mum (God bless her), had some very random memory lapses/thought processes/paranoid moments. It was really disturbing but turned out to be something as simple as a potassium imbalance.

Keep us posted, love xxxx

P x
sorry to hear your nans under the weather, ive seen older people become confused and disorientated with water infections, hopefully the hospital will sort her out x
oh no, hope all is ok with your nan. Well done for not going off plan when you went out. x