Olivia Isabel and grandad

Why is that not working then?
not a sausage x
Ah, it's working for me now, just takes a while to load :)
ill have a look at home later x
aww jim :) what a love. the poor cat!!!
Isn't she just Linz,

LOL Vicky, smoky can look after herself, and Charlie is so big he just pushes her over if she annoys him :)
ah well, guess who messed them up in the first place Linz :D
amazing isn't it Linz, tje sheer excitement in her at playing with gravel . LOL
LOL yes, and the temper tantrum and real tears when we had to take her away :)
total collapse in a heap, deep despair and a heartrendinfg wailing Linz LOL
ah well, good night love, see you tomorrow