Omg i could cry !

Well it's de day 1st weigh in and ive lost ..... 8.6lbs. Really happy with that, hope all the other Tuesday weights have done well.
Hello, am new - this is my first post - but I came here with the same moan. I've been on it 2 weeks tomorrow and lost nearly a stone, I dont understand how my motivation has plummited so much today that I'm nearly crying I feel so low with it all. I only have another 2 stone to go, I should be excited. I'm climbing the walls here trying not to crack and stuff my face!
Hi Blimey - I'm in week 2 also. when I felt like you did, I took to my bed and treated it like being ill (having a bad headache or something). It kept me out of trouble and I was able to sleep it off. Our families need to understand that we need lots of support during this diet. Don't be a martyr. Treat Exante like medicine - it will make us better!
Hi blimmey I've just completed my first week and most of the time I have been fine I did struggle on Saturday but other than that it's been straight forward I'm sure there will be other days on my journey that I will struggle with , your doing fab with your loss so far just keep focused on why your doing it. Lots of people on here suggest treating your self with something to wear for when you've made goal maybe you should have a shopping trip to pick your spirits up. So chin up your doing great.
Yeah, bed might be the way ahead so miserable and grumpy, might dig out a good book and try and get lost in that - also if I get undressed I'm less likely to make a break for the takeaway shop (and offy)
Cheers you