hi bindi
had the same worries as you as you know,so i went to the chemist today,here it is,the paper that they give you is a rough guide to the foods you can choose from,she said just eat sensible,introduce all the food groups in small quantities,.i thought that 2 potatoes a day and bread was way too much,she said if you have the for breakie,then for lunch have have fish/chicken salad or veg or a sandwich LOW FAT with salad.and for dinner have your chicken/fish with veg?salad and potato/rice/pasta....
im making pasta tonite with pasata and bazil leaves really looking forward to it..oh she also said the snack was optional...but if you have the fruit have it in the evening,not sure why..am happier now,its alot clearer,i would definatly have eatin too much and put on pounds...hope iv helped hon xjx