On my way to lose 4 stone in 5 months

Hello everyone hope u all fine. Clinquant that's exactly what im doing. Just don't get time to post and keep up so logging in weekly to fill everyone in so they know m still on plan n not giving up. Plus it's good for me to write my progress as well.
Ok weigh in 8.. I am 11.3.6. I'm fine with that as I cheated BADLY on Sunday. Just went crazy and consumed everything n anything felt physically sick after like literally. Since then hav bin on plan but two days I hav had an extra bar as well. Plus I hardly drink that much water. Since iv started I don't think I ever drink more than 3-4 glasses spread through through out the day. But I guess the coffee and tea helps? Hav about 3 coffees with milk n sweetener n 1 tea with milk. So all in I think 2lbs is ok. Looking forward to next weeknd. It's my birthday Sunday so going out for a meal with hubby n cake at my mums plus I'm taking Saturday off too. 2 days off back on plan Monday! I just want to be 8.7 by time I go away. N if I don't cheat as much think I will hopefully achieve it by 28th April. Good luck n sns love to all xxxx
Priya n jewel hope u both are well xx
Thanks tamzy n clinquant! Cheated last Saturday too :( uh oh plus started period yestrday so not expecting huge loss also had two extra bars this week.. Only going to have Sunday off. After that solid sns untill end of March!!! I hope!!!! Xx check in tmro wish me luck!! Xx
Weigh in 9.... I am now 11.1.6.. Two pound loss... Yesss!! Thoh I am getting sick of the low numbers :( want a big one like 3 even? Ok so bday on Sunday n got a nice day planned n back to sns on Monday. Looks like I am going to make my birthday goal.
Going to reassess my goals I think. Ok here goes:

Goal 1 be 10st by 1st of March
Goal 2 be 9 st by 1st April
Goal 3 be 8.7 by 28th April