One last go at CD!

Tano said:
Oh no felix :( hope he finds something soon! How are u today? X

I'm good today. Only had one shake so far and hardly any water so got to fit them in somehow... Been to have my hair cut and he's hardly touched my fringe which really needed doing so I'm really annoyed!!!!! OH has got an interview for a job at screwfix just working on the trade counter. Only 20 hours a week but it's better than nothing!! How are you?
It's definitely better than nothing!!! Get those shakes and water down you, think Ibiza and playsuits lol! I'm good thanks, lost 4lb this week so I'm really chuffed with that! X
Tano said:
It's definitely better than nothing!!! Get those shakes and water down you, think Ibiza and playsuits lol! I'm good thanks, lost 4lb this week so I'm really chuffed with that! X

Yay that's great!!!! Well done :) I've just been weighed for the first time in 3 weeks and put 1lb on. Not too bad though as I actually put about 6lb on and lost some of it in the past week haha x
That's fab!!! At least you know it's going in the right direction! I just desperately want to lose 3 next week and get my stone!!! X
Did you stock up on loads more shakes n soups felix? When's your next WI? X
Got 42 chocolate tetras!!! Haha. I don't like any other products. My CDC is away next week so next weigh in will be 2 weeks today. I'm now officially restarted so no excuses now!
Awesome! That's really good felix! 42 choc tetras! Haha is that the only one you like? That's really hardcore, I get bored too easily! U can do this!!! X
Thanks Tano :D haha yes it's the only one I like!! The OH only has chocolate tetras and orange bars (he bloody loves them!!) x
I'm well excited about the bars!!! First one tomoz! U got any plans for next weekend? Weekends are do hard don't u think?
What bars have you got? My OH loves the mint choc ones too!! No plans for the weekend. Back to work tomorrow after mon and tues off so only got a 3 day week this week :D what about you? I always find the weekends really really hard!!!!! I can easily do CD when I'm working as I don't think about it at work then I'm too tired to eat when I get home. But at the weekends we would go out for dinners and stuff so we have to try and avoid doing foody things now :(
What bars have you got? My OH loves the mint choc ones too!! No plans for the weekend. Back to work tomorrow after mon and tues off so only got a 3 day week this week :D what about you? I always find the weekends really really hard!!!!! I can easily do CD when I'm working as I don't think about it at work then I'm too tired to eat when I get home. But at the weekends we would go out for dinners and stuff so we have to try and avoid doing foody things now :(

Is'nt it though! The weekends are so tough, and we used to do "foodie" things too, but then what else is there to do? May go for a walk to wales this weekend... Blah, its only wednesday tomorrow, it will probably rain anyway. :)

Tano - excellent on the 4lb loss. BRILL.
Everything revolves around food! If we go for a walk, I want a picnic. If we go to the cinema I want popcorn. If we go shopping I want lunch!!
Morning lovely ladies!!! Got a mix of bars, can't believe how excited I am!!! So so true, EVERYTHING revolves around bloody food!!! Got a wedding sat but I'm the driver! Not really looking forward to a day on the water but oh well!!! I feel like such a diet bore :(
Haha felix your fridge must be packed with tetras if you and your bf are both on them only hahaha x
Tano said:
Morning lovely ladies!!! Got a mix of bars, can't believe how excited I am!!! So so true, EVERYTHING revolves around bloody food!!! Got a wedding sat but I'm the driver! Not really looking forward to a day on the water but oh well!!! I feel like such a diet bore :(
Haha felix your fridge must be packed with tetras if you and your bf are both on them only hahaha x

Hello!!!!! How are you getting on today? I'm so glad you liked your bar haha I just posted in your diary :) we have a separate 'beer fridge' in the spare room so thats now the 'tetra fridge' lol! x
Been 100% so far today! Not drank much water though because I need to pee constantly at work!!!! Hopefully I can get through tonight and have a totally CD day :)

I find it really easy to stick to when I'm at work as I'm busy in the day then tired at night so I'm not really bothered about food. Need to get in to ketosis for once and I'll be fine!

Work was boring as usual. Feeling a bit sorry for OH as he's sat at home with nothing to do feeling useless. He's been sat on his computer looking for jobs all day (and not washing the pots....)

The rain is really bad here and sky isn't working so I'm just sat watching the rain in the car park out of the window. Boring!!
Ahhhh bless ya! Something should come ip
For OH soon hopefully! Im thinking about getting back to the gym tomorrow. I think I'm going to go for a nice swim tomorrow evening. You been gym yet felix? I know you mentioned it in another thread??
well done tano for 4 pound lost.
felix 1 pound gain after 3 weeks weigh in isnt that bad, just keep focused on goal you will get there,why dont you give the shakes you have to make your self a try, there more filling then ready made ones and taste fresh.