I totally agree with SpottyDoris and was about to post something similar.
Your responses sound very much like you are trying to disguise this decision as an excuse to cheat. I'm sure the majority of people here who have struggled for a long time with their weight will understand; it is so easy to find excuses to avoid something or self sabotage for whatever reason (for me, it was being afraid of not liking myself slim, or not being able to reach an 'acceptable weight' and putting off getting to that point).
If you want this diet to work for you, you have to stick with it. Maybe spend the time you are on the diet reassessing why you crave carbs so much - you say you aren't hungry so the craving is an emotional one. Wouldn't it be great to beat that and never have to feel like you just had to have that bowl of pasta/sandwich/bag of chips to make you feel better after a bad day?
Personally that is the hardest thing for me on this plan, I am a total carb craver and if I could, would eat an entire loaf of bread on a bad day if it didn't make me sick! But I have recognised that that is not a healthy attitude and need to address that.
I do wish you the best of luck, but remember, only *you* can do this, and you are the only person you are accountable to. :bighug:
Your responses sound very much like you are trying to disguise this decision as an excuse to cheat. I'm sure the majority of people here who have struggled for a long time with their weight will understand; it is so easy to find excuses to avoid something or self sabotage for whatever reason (for me, it was being afraid of not liking myself slim, or not being able to reach an 'acceptable weight' and putting off getting to that point).
If you want this diet to work for you, you have to stick with it. Maybe spend the time you are on the diet reassessing why you crave carbs so much - you say you aren't hungry so the craving is an emotional one. Wouldn't it be great to beat that and never have to feel like you just had to have that bowl of pasta/sandwich/bag of chips to make you feel better after a bad day?
Personally that is the hardest thing for me on this plan, I am a total carb craver and if I could, would eat an entire loaf of bread on a bad day if it didn't make me sick! But I have recognised that that is not a healthy attitude and need to address that.
I do wish you the best of luck, but remember, only *you* can do this, and you are the only person you are accountable to. :bighug: