Right lady - let me have a word!!!
Just pasting this in... I kno some of u follow diary... Just need to vent lol
This is going to be a long and rambling post... It's one where u don't really mind if u get a reply but u just need to say all that's on ur mind....
I tried my best to buy gifts my friends would like... And I got generic tat from people who clearly don't kno me at all! Think the ultimate present is a Houdini puzzle key... Please someone tell me what possessed my friend to waste his money? I kno I sound like an ungrateful cow... And looking back some of the pressies I bought weren't amazing but I really tried and thought about each person!
Im with you on this bit. Every year I say i'm gonna be more like some people I know and not give a **** about what I buy but thats just not me. I like giving gifts and thoughtful ones at that. This just makes us better people! 
anyways enough of that.... I got some lovely lovely things

I love Christmas but boxing day is depressing.... It's all over and bk to work... I wish my family were like that all year.. No bickering just fun and playing games together not all 4 of us in 4 separate rooms... When I have kids I want a proper family!!!! I want to do anything for them and go to all their plays etc... But even saying that is depressing... All my friends have boyfriends/husbands and houses ... Fair few have kids... And I couldn't be further from all of those things....
Every day life is not like Christmas day unfortunately. I have 2 boys who were angels and loved each other to bits but boxing day they were back to normal. Dont put pressure on yourself for boyfriend/kids/house etc all this will come when the time is right and at the miment you need to focus on your career.
I'm repulsive.... I hate how I look... But I'm so skint that I'm worried to lose weight coz I can't afford clothes!!!
You are far from repulsive and look beautiful in your photo. So pretty and from knowing you on here you are beautiful iunside and out. I know it wont matter right now what anybody says but I think your stunning!
My job works me so hard and every day I feel like I can't do it... I feel sick at the thought of going bk... The thought of work till August makes me panic... But in so terrified that if I try teaching it won't be right... How do u kno before u do it?!
Go with your heart and take it one day at a time. I started a new job (within the same firm) recently and feel so intimidated at times but I know I can only do my best and if I'm giving 100% every day I can do no more than that. There will me many more people who wonder whether they can do their job than you think. Is there anyone in the same sort of position as you that you can talk to?
Then my little sister who I love and trust and always bounce things off makes a flippant remark "there are only do many times you can say im bored of this" - why does no-one understand that my previous jobs were all a means to an end... Were never meant to be long term..... I left one job a month before I was meant to because I was bullied so badly that I had to go on antidepressants I couldn't sleep so feel asleep at work... I only just weened myself off the damn things 4 years later....
Some people will never get it. Try to talk to your sister and tell her how you feel. If you ooen up to her she might be able to support you better. Well done at coming of anti d's. Know its not easy and you probably dont want to but it is worth considering going back on em for a bit to give you a bit of a lift?
Why does no-one see?!?! I try hard at everything I do... Right now I feel like I'm just waiting to slip up and drop one ball
And all of them will fall.... I work 10-12 hours a day plus 2 hours driving time... I'm exhausted and fed up... I just don't feel like I can do the job... There is always something new to learn and I can't cope!!! Then my darling sis says "how do you know every job won't be like that?" arghhhhhh - does anyone have a clue what I do?! What I need to know?!
I cant begin to imagine how stressful your job is but you should be really proud of yourself at what you've achieved. Is there anyone that could be your mentor at work? Sometimes we put so much pressure on ourselves that we are just waiting for everything to come crashing down. Try not to focus on what you cant do and have still got to learn but on what you have learnt and achieved so far.
Sorry I sound ridiculous... Just needed to vent....
You dont sound ridiculous at all - thats what we are all here for!
These new job offers are good... But obviously the same job.... Just nearer to home so save £150-200 a month on petrol and £2-5k more a year... But I'm do scared the new place will see how sh*t I am or will expect too much... And worried I will have to pay money bk to either of both for training if I do leave in Aug for teaching...
Can you meet with the new Companies to address your concerns and see what their expectations are?
Most of all I'm fed up of the lack of support from my family and supposed best friends....
Tell them how you feel Hun and dont be afraid to tell them how much you need them at the moment, remember all the girls on Minimins are always here for you as you are for us.
I just need to decide....
1. Sort job/career
2. Get to goal weight by new year (and as low as poss before being a bridesmaid)
3. Learn to love myself!
If u read this far u get a medal for reading that self indulgent rubbish! Lol
I get a medal, I get a medal!!!
Snap out of it Carly!
Dont beat yourself up - its easier said than done
Love to all my Minimins friends
Loads and loads of love to you 2 xx
Remember we are all here for you and the biggest barrier to success if the fear of failure xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx