ARGH! Wrote a lovely entry earlier and when it posted there were two of them - so I shoved a photo of me and Olly onto the second one and now the first one has disappeared and I look like a deranged person.
I need to know your poached egg secret! Mine NEVER look that good (to the point that I've practically given up making them!)
There isn't really a secret to making them but I've had lots of practice making eggy water with hard yolks, so the way I do it now is born of reading loads of tips online!
Top Tips
Use spankingly fresh eggs - the fresher the better.
Make sure they are at room temperature - not straight out of the fridge
Use a BIG saucepan. I used to try and do them in a small milk pan and they never, ever worked. They need lots of room for the white to coalesce nicely around the yolk so the bigger the better.
You want well salted water at a rolling boil, add a dash of white wine vinegar and whisk the water around so that a "vortex" appears in the middle of the pan
Crack the egg into a shallow cup and then place that into the centre of the pan - don't crack the egg directly into pan.
The water will stop boiling as soon as the egg goes in - as soon as it starts bubbling again pull the egg out - it literally takes a minute.
How the devil are you? Thanks for the nudge in the guts on my diary, I needed that. I have been lurking, mainly on here, looking at your delights. Loving the good food at the moment sweetie.
1) Can you please let me have your recipe for the Chicken Enchilada Soup, or at least send me a link to where you nicked it?
2) If my Mick heard you ladies call it Goat Curry, he wouldn't be best pleased - its Curry Goat! I have no idea, why those Caribbeans turn it round but they do! It is delish and I often crave it, in fact I craved it so bad yesterday I walked to the Caribbean Food Stand in Petticoat Lane and purchased myself some and read your diary whilst eating it!
3) In an attempt to be a squash fiend like your good self I thought I would take baby steps towards squash town and took a BNS from my mum's allotment and tried it, I love it! I have never been a fan before, I think because the first time I tried it (years ago) it turned out really sludgy and awful and I was scared off it after that. I have ordered another one and next week I may buy a proper squash - so brave aren't I?!
Kudos on the poached egg - mine always ends up in the pan as fragments of egg in hot water.
:bighug: I'm so glad you're back - I remember your nudges on my diary so thought I'd repay the favour
1) Chicken enchilada soup linky for you
Recipe: Slow Cooker Chicken Enchilada Soup
Tweaks to make it SW friendlier - I used spray oil instead of oil-oil. I left out the sugar. I obviously left out the cream! I added smoked paprika and a few slices of jalapeños out of a jar in addition to a regular green chilli. I replaced the tomato sauce with a carton of passata. It made enough for a generous bowl last night and again at lunch and I've frozen the rest of it and think I'll be albe to get two lots out of that if I add brown rice to the bowl. It's easy as it just goes in the slow cooker for the day.
2) OH MY! I will make sure I call it curry goat tomorrow while I'm cooking it, I might even put some Bob Marley on and sing to it while it's cooking to make it nice and relaxed

Any hints or tips for me on this recipe PLEASE?
3) SQUASHLOVE! Hooray! I love them so much - sweet, soft and SUPERFREE! I am about to order another Box O Squash as I've only got a couple left

, I'm making squash falafels tonight but they don't seem to be doing very much...
Posting to subscribe - your meals look amazing! Hoping to get some inspiration.
Thank you and welcome to the madhouse!