Monday - Back To Work.
That's right - I did a smiley face there. Actually glad to be getting back into some sort of routine that doesn't include shovelling chocolate into my mouth and downing bottles of wine! Also glad to be out of the house and to have something to take my mind off everything. It's been a pretty crappy Christmas to be honest and I'm glad it's over.
Took some serious measures last night to combat my dreadful insomnia, I received some Neals Yard smellies for Christmas which are called "Sleep", so I had a soak in the bath milk, rubbed the body lotion in and slathered on the face cream. Then I took a dose of Nightnurse

eek: Drug abuse!), drank a cup of chamomile tea and got into my bed which was nice and warm from my electric blanket. I slept like a baby - HA HA!
Food yesterday was a bit weird, I just grazed all day as I was a bit in my own head and couldn't pull myself together enough to cook a proper meal. I did manage to whizz up some soup though.
Yesterday - Extra Easy
Breakfast - Baked beans on toast (B + 2.5 syns), Coffee (Half A)
Lunch - Leftover salmon stir fry
Small bowl of curried sweet potato soup (0.5)
Roast potatoes (6 for oil), Half A for cheese
Rice with tuna and sweetcorn
Couple of chocolates - 4
Nightnurse - 2
Total syns - 15
Told you it was weird.
On The Agenda - Work, lots of catching up to do. Little bit of food planning and a little bit of food shopping at lunch time. Home, tea, bed.