Operation size 10 jeans!

Hi Sara, It's really nice to hear from you too! I am still exercising - spinning classes and swimming mostly (with the occasional Insanity session thrown in - aka pure hell!!!). I will update, and want to catch up with the Dukan diaries. Everyone here helped me so much last time, it was much appreciated :)x
Hello stranger!! i think this time of year is making it hard too, i keep telling myself the springs coming soon, it will be ok then, i think i deluding myself though lol
Looking forward to reading your updates hun x
Hey Colette! I completely agree with you, it's much harder this time of year. Hopefully when the weather gets warmer something will click in my brain..... some sort of bikini/floaty skirts alarm system..... warning me to step away from the chocolate.... fingers crossed!!

Lovely to hear from you! :)x
Awwwwwww great to see you posting again hun :) x
Fantastic your back xxx
Welcome back x