Opinions on bars please?

Do you have to have one shake, one bar and one soup a day or can you just have shakes?

You can have just shakes or just soups, Exante sell bumper packs of them for £100 as well. As FBS the only thing you should limit is the bars
I enjoy the shakes but not too keen on the soups and bars, the soups taste
Like cup o soups and the bars taste like cardboard in my opinion with a weird aftertaste lol.. So after ive used up my months worth i might just go on the shakes..
mmmmmm bars...
crumbly and an unpleasant texture to begin with, but if you use them as a treat, it is strange the way the body and taste buds adapt.

I used to have to sit and really chew through them, nowadays I find myself absent mindedly licking the empty wrapper, and catching the crumbs.

saying that though... I tend to live on the shakes, and even tend to place the soups into a glass to have as a warming drink. As time went on I found I really struggled with the act of eating as such, as I never felt the need to eat. Drinking them fools my mind. also an added bonus is the tomato flavour of death goes down faster ;)
Oh yeah Sarah i had the tomato tonight and i swear i can still taste it hours later lol.

Cant remember who posted about having bars for most of the day....have you not had any side effects from this in the toiletting department (lol). Even one a day had my stomach all yuck.

Taste wise i really liked the choc orange one. Think i only stopped enjoyin it cos i knew id have a sore tum afterwards. I wish my body liked them boo :(
its the raisin ones that do it for me!

I haven't had the bars for about a month and a half now, but to be honest, they do contain a little more fibre , so depending how far you are along the exante journey, ie... if you are still in the 'sqwitters' phases hehe, until your bowels become more adapted to the new food intake it can have a little side affect.

If you are suffering from a little tummy trouble...

I remember Magggie had some really good advice about adding husks into your day, to help bulk things out.
''I suffered/ suffer with constapation too
I have found a very natural method that works for me

psyllium husk capsules
holland n barret sell them
I take 4 inbetween meals with at least a pint of water
2 if you can manage
not with the meals, as they may stop absorbtion''

and this thread had some giggle worthy, but relevant ideas http://www.minimins.com/exante/136789-poo-place.html

Me though! Definitely still suffer with the constipation., but I know I am not drinking enough by any stretch. I think the added carbs and proteins in the bars, are a lot greater than I used to have so my bowels and tummy are holding onto them once inside me in case they dont get anymore hehehe.

I have to admit, after using the spices and peppers in the soups in the evenings, it does seem to be .. ermmm.. getting things moving.

This tip is going to sound so so so odd! but bare with me
I have a little step, being short.. that I use to reach shelves etc, but I have moved it into the bathroom, and when I feel I have a need to ermm go.. I place it so when I am sat on the loo, I can place my feet on it, this makes your body almost into an upright squat, and is a more natural way of opening the bowels.(going back to caveman time and all that ) I found that has helped a lot.

I am trying to avoid a senna as I am a little worried it would speed things up to much and increase any hunger pangs.

My issue, I think is getting my head around the fact I don't need to go more often, what with eating so much less, and the things I am eating being designed to contain the balance of foods my body needs to function, are being used instead of the need to excrete them.
I swear by my little stool... ( stool stool get it heheh)
But seriously .. it does seem a little like bearing down in childbirth but it works for me heheh xx
I love my stool stool! xx
All my bars are gone now, yayyy!
I can't eat them anymore now.
I just like them too much. I can never have just 1 a day, so I'm just cutting them out alltogether.
They don't make you feel really full either. Like, after the shakes and the soups, I usually feel a little sick, 'cause they're so filling.
I had that the first time I tried a bar, but now they don't make me feel full anymore.
So I'm sad, but at the same time happy that I'm all out. I ate more than 1 a day, which you're not supposed to do, and then didn't lose weight.
So sticking to just liquids for now!
I feel your gag reflex hehe
I really struggle with the soups filling me up.
I sometimes, depending on how much running around I have to do that day, I have my sachet as normal for breakfast then have half a sachet of soup for lunch, in a big mug, or strong glass. I find if I 'drink' the soup it sits a lot easier.
I would then have the other half maybe as dinner, and a nice hot chocolate shake for a evening drink, it replaces my wine ;), as I watch some boring television curled up.

I find doing this means I can make the soup less thick, as I fill the same amount of water as I would do with a full pack.

It works for me sometimes :D. I would say just to be watchful though, that you 1- remember to have the other half of the pack and 2 - you don't have to run about too much as you would of consumed less calories and sustenance in the earlier part of the day.

The only problem I have with soup at work, is that I can't really make them properly.
Sure, I can put hot water in, but you have to whisk them quite well to get rid of the lumps.
For the shakes I use my shaker, which works like a charm. But you're not allowed to put hot water in them.

Maybe I should shake the soup with cold water, and then microwave it?
Sounds like a plan.:D

I am one of those odd weird ones that use a hand whisker, one of those little aero latte battery ones.

Takes a little practise to prevent the soup looking frothy hehe but after a while you get the hang of it. I find that I can slip it into my handbag and whisk away as and when.

My trick is to quarter to half fill a mug with hot water then whisk away to create almost a paste like mixture, then add the rest of the water (pouring it into a bowl after if preffered), then just a gentle stir with a spoon makes sure the paste like mixture combines with the rest of the water. I do find I add more water to my soups as I don't tend to like them too thick. Plus it means I am getting more H20 down me, and I find less lumps.

Although worst case scenario.. you could fool yourself into thinking the lumps where little bits of added food, like a hearty soup hehhe ;)
