its nt very nyc bt it is a great way of losin weight kay loolz...i memba wen i went bk home to india one coz of the dodgy food dat can sumtymz b found there i spent mst of the tym in the bathroom n dayummm i lost a hell of a lot of weight..js with dat problem alone nt countin the hot weatha in india lloolz....hmmmm temptin to giv it a go lol to see if i did lose neting bt the crap ting abt dat wud b ddat u cudnt do nuttin other then js sit on the toilet lool dts da onli downer for it....
yh i tink soo its kinda gotton us off track so we need to get bk on it...js dat a week js feels sooo long n the losses for me js aint big nuf if i eva lost 7lbs in one i kno for a fact dat wudv boosted me up propa into gear...
hi all, had a good day yesterday. ss+ with some chicken but failed to get my last shake in and had a cuppa tea instead. still trying hard. how you all doing?
hiya ladies, glad it shifted tho Kay u will feel better once it settles, if u need to take em in small amounts reguarly to ensure u dnt block up as its not a nciice feeling.
bn doing good, -2lbs of the 4 gain from weekend today, done my version of ss+ yest and today, have bn having tea with milk tho lol but scales are moving so im happy!!!
Yey yeyy we're all back on track.
Priya i was actually so ill i swear ive done the whole laxative thing now i wont be doing it again, so boring being on the toilet for aaages. Its grim aswell Lol. All done now no more talk of that.
You put yourself down so much and remember you are actually quite small already theres no way your body will burn of 7lbs in a week you would probably faint! Stick at it you know it will be worth it in the end!!
Miss HJ glad to see your back on track and yeyy for 2lbs gone.
Leeds well done youve only got a little bit to go now havent you?
Todayy ive had all 3 shakes the only downfall is i only had 2 litres of water but its still sort of 4 pints so i'll let myself off, trying to shove another pint down now but hate getting up in the night for the toilet. Oh well my own fault!! xx
lool aww poor u kay bless i can imagine it probz was the wrst feeling kno the diet does wrk kay hun...n yh i guess it is coz i am of small height probz the reason dat i aint losin as much as quickly...js dat b4 wen i was on it was diff...n the price has gone up frm b4 as well..:S...that is the main problem mre then i sed in ma thread mite move to exante coz of the price being bit lower n u get a months suppy so u dnt av to reorder evry willl still b ere supporting u guys ... will av the rests of the cd products that i av got left n then mite strt on exante i gta get sum electronic scales for maself lol as soon as possible gna buy it dis weekend wen i go home probz...
hi all, have been very good this week so pleased with myself. I am 8lbs off my goal and have a 2lbs gain from last week toget rid of! when i weighed myself this morning i know i have lost the gain from my 810 week so hoping to lose another few pounds to add to this. its my last proper week of ss as have decided to work up the plans in time for my holiday otherwise i will gain a lot of weigh quickly. its so FAB to be near goal as all my holiday clothes look good! cant wait for my holiday ladies!
Wooo excited for u leeds! Cos of your holiday AND your so near to goal YEYY!
Priya good luck on exante, u might aswell stay on this challenge with us cos its basically the same aint it??
Oooh i get weighed tomorrow morning...AAHH!! xx
aww gd luck kay for weigh in, leeds aww soo happy for u that ur soo close to ur goal n lucky u, ur goin away on holiday as well lol...seems lyk evry1 goin away on holliday this summer other then me lol...yh kay will stik to this challenge gna order ma exante order shud get it by fri for the tym i get bk to shefield n will strt it officially probz on sunday coz ima meetin up with mates on fri n sat...n den after ima do the full months supply n hpefully will av lost wt i need to in that tym..
Hi everyone, i lost 3.5lbs yesterday but i knew it would slow down, i went to bed at half 8 last night and woke up and half 9am. What the hell is that about?!? someone help me im worried!
3.5 is good. i lost 2lbs but that is just losing my gain from last weeks 810!!!! boo, and i ate last night so any pounds i shoul dhave lost i didnt cos of that curry!!
Oops i have been neglecting this thread bless it. What week are we even on?
Ok so im still 100%, but thinking about food so much, i am determined not to give up and just made some crisps out of the banana shake i love them
You really are not supposed to basically fry the shakes but i dont care im 100% and i was getting bored, it was either severely heat the shake or give up.
So im onto banana chips now, wont be having them alot as i still need to get my vitamins and stuff dont i....blah blah.
How is everyone doing?
P.s if i lose a crap amount again this week then im going up a plan because i dont starve myself to lose the same amount i could lose by healthy eating.
well i am just maintaining this week, one shake for brekkie then healthy lunch then salad for tea. i'm not losing but it helps me maintain until i go on hols on friday. how is everyone?
Everyone has gone away lol But it is week 4 and it is the end of the challenge so do we have to report back? Ive lost 1st and 4 lbs altogether in the 4weeks. YEY. xx