Out with the Bridget Jones pants in into my old size 12 Jeans......

Hi Chellery,

It is the stress talking. You can do this. Get some mix-a-mousse. Call your CDC and ask her to order it for you, if she doesn't keep it on hand. It is very filling.

I use just regular oatmeal (the kind you cook in pan). Cheap and cheerful... I just measure out 1/2 cup of oatmeal, then boil a cup of water, mix it up and if it isn't the texture I like, then I mocrowave it a bit. But, I like the extra texture. I add in 1 to 2 tsps of brown sugar Splenda and a 1/2 tsp of cinnamon. It isn't a lot of food, but starting with a pint of flavoured water, then having this porridge with coffee works for me.

Hang in there... you can do this.

Hey honey

Stay strong! This came up in a post on the main forum and is essentially a fear of success. For some reason women in particular fear being successful because they fear having the life they want will render them unloveable. So although you are saying "why ... cos I am loved the way I am" that is not the real issue... the real issue you are grappling is "but will they still love me if I change".

The Fear of Success | Psychology Today have a read of this and try the exercise. Explain your fears to your OH if you can so he can help you/reassure you when you wobble.

There are some people that won't be fond of the new you as you emerge ....you will be able to identify them as they are the ones who will turn your positive choices into a negative e.g. "oh .. you've lost weight.. you look good but be careful you don't lose too much" .. or "god .. you're losing weight but turning into a bit of a grump"..... these comments are because they like you the way you are because it suits them! Maybe they can dump on you.. maybe you being the way you are makes them feel secure etc.... whatever the reason always question the motives of someone who ever so subtly knocks you down. Part of this journey will naturally result in you redefining some of your personal boundaries and that is a good thing because our boundaries protect us from harm... but this won't suit everyone in your life ... 10 Fundamental Lessons on Boundaries in Relationships Part 1 | Baggage Reclaim explains it better than I can

Thanks for this GG. What you have said is spot on! How do we get ourselves in this position eh? Anyway> how are you doing? Hows your day been?

Hang in there! You know exactl why you're doing this..........to wear nice clothes, to have bags of self confidence, to b comfortable in your own skin, etc etc!!!!
It does get easier, i really promise you. Just get the first week out the way and after that the time goes so quickly. Think how proud of yourself you will be when you've done this.
I too have felt tempted several times today, it's completely normal, we have a food addiction for goodness sake. I've been thinking i could loose weight on a conventional diet but i know, like any addiction, the way to address the problem is abstinance, cold turkey!!!
If i can do it, so can you x

Hey chick, how are you?
You are sooo right when you talk about food being an addiction. I really believe I am addicted to it. Maybe I need to get myself of Jeremy Kyle and get some Graham love....or NOT lol!. Your right, I WILL be soo proud of myself when I get to the end...today I just feel like I can't do it. That im not strong willed enough so stick to it. I keep trying to tell myself that its "only food" and that onces its eaten the feelings I would have after giving up would be awful sooo its not worth it! Thanks for your post, your soo kind to support me. Hows your day going mate?

Hi Chellery,

It is the stress talking. You can do this. Get some mix-a-mousse. Call your CDC and ask her to order it for you, if she doesn't keep it on hand. It is very filling.

I use just regular oatmeal (the kind you cook in pan). Cheap and cheerful... I just measure out 1/2 cup of oatmeal, then boil a cup of water, mix it up and if it isn't the texture I like, then I mocrowave it a bit. But, I like the extra texture. I add in 1 to 2 tsps of brown sugar Splenda and a 1/2 tsp of cinnamon. It isn't a lot of food, but starting with a pint of flavoured water, then having this porridge with coffee works for me.

Hang in there... you can do this.


Have text my CDC and asked about mix-a-mousse. Am very tempted to do my own porridge. I bet one of those mini packs that go in the mocrowave wouldnt be far off?? Do you take a vitimin tablet with it? Where can I purchase this bullion and water flavouring...you have given me hope lol! Im going to order some now. Thanks soo much for being soo friendly and supportive. xxxx
Hi Chellery,

You can find Crystal Light (it's American) on the internet here in the UK. It may be less expensive than the CD flavourings. (It is for me because I can buy it on the US military post.)

Bullion is like OXO -- just read the packages and make sure you buy low sodium. It is about 10 calories a pint. (You dissolve a teaspoon or cube in hot water and it makes a nice savory drink.)

Your CDC will sell the hot drink mix and water flavourings, but they are expensive -- and these things work as well.

I have not really looked for a replacement for mix-a-mousse, but I suspect it is really just plain (unflavoured) gelatin. So, I may be trying to find a lower cost replacement.

I buy my CD products from my CDC -- after all her support is included in the price.

Although, I am doing is going to her, talking with her long enough to be weighed, waist measured, and get my products.

Two of us go together and the last time we were at her place for about 20 to 25 minutes. Between us we spent nearly 50 pounds. I suspect her share is at least 3rd. Not too shabby.

Hi Chellery,

You can find Crystal Light (it's American) on the internet here in the UK. It may be less expensive than the CD flavourings. (It is for me because I can buy it on the US military post.)

Bullion is like OXO -- just read the packages and make sure you buy low sodium. It is about 10 calories a pint. (You dissolve a teaspoon or cube in hot water and it makes a nice savory drink.)

Your CDC will sell the hot drink mix and water flavourings, but they are expensive -- and these things work as well.

I have not really looked for a replacement for mix-a-mousse, but I suspect it is really just plain (unflavoured) gelatin. So, I may be trying to find a lower cost replacement.

I buy my CD products from my CDC -- after all her support is included in the price.

Although, I am doing is going to her, talking with her long enough to be weighed, waist measured, and get my products.

Two of us go together and the last time we were at her place for about 20 to 25 minutes. Between us we spent nearly 50 pounds. I suspect her share is at least 3rd. Not too shabby.


I have just had a reply saying that my consultant doesnt do the mix-a-mousse but that she has got me the fibre89...even though I didnt ask for it, was just enquiring. I text her back saying that I bought similar stuff from boots as was abit "blocked" and she just replied "so you dont want the fibre89 then?"...Im abit worried that I have annoyed her. Is she meant to ask how I am doing? Hmm...not sure she likes me very much.:eek:

Weird... why doesn't she do the mix-a-mousse? All she has to do is order from Cambridge with her other products.

Let her be "annoyed" -- this is very poor customer service.

I met with one CDC (with my friend); we both bought 21 products and got our starter book 1. She weighed us and only took our waist measurements (and did not give up a "record book" or anything). She told us that we could email her, but only call during very limted certain hours for support, etc. to her mobile which always goes to voice mail and then she'll call you back when she could.

(Not that we need her support... but really?!)

She was very overweight (more than I was at the time) and was cooking dinner when we showed up (at our appt. time); she had us walked through her kitchen to her conservatory for our "meeting". Nice touch for people trying to diet.

She could not answer some of our questions and, even though she knew she had two "newbies" coming, she only set aside 30 minutes for us. She was literally pushing us out the door for her next customer. She came across as totally greedy. Very uninspiring.

On the drive home -- we agreed to try and find a better counsellor. We called another one in our area. I "telephoned" interviewed her. We made appointment with her for the Monday (as we had another appt. with bad CDC on Wednesday). We were able to get a daytime appt., and the other lady could not do daytime which we preferred.

We liked CDC #2 much better, and explained why we were changing to her -- we agreed that we tell the other CDC that we needed daytime appts. rather than that she was dreadful (as the #2 knew the other lady quite well). And, we have been quite happy with the new CDC.

So, if this person isn't working for you -- see if there isn't a better fit. You need to do what you need to do to make this work for you.


Weird... why doesn't she do the mix-a-mousse? All she has to do is order from Cambridge with her other products.

Let her be "annoyed" -- this is very poor customer service.

I met with one CDC (with my friend); we both bought 21 products and got our starter book 1. She weighed us and only took our waist measurements (and did not give up a "record book" or anything). She told us that we could email her, but only call during very limted certain hours for support, etc. to her mobile which always goes to voice mail and then she'll call you back when she could.

(Not that we need her support... but really?!)

She was very overweight (more than I was at the time) and was cooking dinner when we showed up (at our appt. time); she had us walked through her kitchen to her conservatory for our "meeting". Nice touch for people trying to diet.

She could not answer some of our questions and, even though she knew she had two "newbies" coming, she only set aside 30 minutes for us. She was literally pushing us out the door for her next customer. She came across as totally greedy. Very uninspiring.

On the drive home -- we agreed to try and find a better counsellor. We called another one in our area. I "telephoned" interviewed her. We made appointment with her for the Monday (as we had another appt. with bad CDC on Wednesday). We were able to get a daytime appt., and the other lady could not do daytime which we preferred.

We liked CDC #2 much better, and explained why we were changing to her -- we agreed that we tell the other CDC that we needed daytime appts. rather than that she was dreadful (as the #2 knew the other lady quite well). And, we have been quite happy with the new CDC.

So, if this person isn't working for you -- see if there isn't a better fit. You need to do what you need to do to make this work for you.


Its interesting that you say about your first cdc being overweight MM, ive found that too, ive seen several cdc over the years (ive often just picked up a couple of weeks worth etc prior to hols of a party to shift a few lbs) and they have all been overweight, and not by a few pounds. Surely, this isnt right or is it a case that they are not reviewed after doing the initial training??? x

My friend and I discussed "standards". If she was a Weight Watchers counsellor (at least in the U.S.) and she was more than slightly above her goal weight -- she would not be allowed to counsel other people (lead meetings). It is bad for morale.

It would be like going to a dentist with rotten teeth. I'm going to trust him to take care of my teeth? Or having an illiterate teacher.

Get real... losing the weight is the least of my difficulties. Keeping it off is the real challenge -- and if my CDC has failed to do that -- then how can I have the confidence that she will be able to assist me?

My new CDC -- is very honest. She told us she found the diet very hard. Did not care for the products for the most part, and that she is running and doing fitness and using a low carb diet to keep it off. She has a bmi of about what mine is now (26.4)... and is okay with that. So, am I. She is healthy. Yes, the NHS and others say bmi 25 or under -- but we are not all cookie cutters. She looks fit and healthy and she is quite slim. Only a modeling agency would say she should lose weight.


My friend and I discussed "standards". If she was a Weight Watchers counsellor (at least in the U.S.) and she was more than slightly above her goal weight -- she would not be allowed to counsel other people (lead meetings). It is bad for morale.

It would be like going to a dentist with rotten teeth. I'm going to trust him to take care of my teeth? Or having an illiterate teacher.

Get real... losing the weight is the least of my difficulties. Keeping it off is the real challenge -- and if my CDC has failed to do that -- then how can I have the confidence that she will be able to assist me?

My new CDC -- is very honest. She told us she found the diet very hard. Did not care for the products for the most part, and that she is running and doing fitness and using a low carb diet to keep it off. She has a bmi of about what mine is now (26.4)... and is okay with that. So, am I. She is healthy. Yes, the NHS and others say bmi 25 or under -- but we are not all cookie cutters. She looks fit and healthy and she is quite slim. Only a modeling agency would say she should lose weight.


I agree completely, we all decide what weight we are comfortable with and to be honest I think when people have lost a big amount they often look a bit healthier once they gain a few pound as it fills them out a bit. I just cant help but feel slightly embarrassed for them especially as they come up with excuses as soon as you see them xxx
Completely agree with you both! I am going to see her to change some of the HORRID porridge for some shakes tomorrow....hopefully she will atleast ask me how I am getting on!!!

Hi Chellerypickle! How was your 4th day? Is it getting any easier? Are you working out at all with the diet? I just feel so weak...can't even get normal tasks done. When's your first weigh in?
Hi Chellerypickle! How was your 4th day? Is it getting any easier? Are you working out at all with the diet? I just feel so weak...can't even get normal tasks done. When's your first weigh in?

Hey determined,

Thanks for asking!My first weigh in is Monday 21st...which will be my 9th day on the plan. Today has been my worst day yet. Have stuck to it 100% but have been so close to sabotaging myself. Have found myself questioning whether this diet is a good idea etc/why bother etc... As for the exercise, have not done anything since I have been on it and Im normally running 15k a week! I could not even walk the dogs today as I felt soo tired so hubby did it. I think its effecting my vision lol...im sort of squinting to see things which isnt good as im reading music all day.l also have a very fuzzy/light head and seem to get my words in a muddle...and forget what I have just said!! I've not had any headaches but I rarely suffer with them anyway. I can't wait to feel normal again. I have no idea whether I am in kitosis or not. According to my hubby my breath smells but so far thats it. I'm constantly thinking about food and im scared to open the fridge!!! How I became such a food addict I will never know, its soo stupid lol. Anyway, enough of my rant, how are you doing my love? Please let me know x x x
Hi honey.
My first attempt i gave ] up on day 3... am now on day 10 and whenever i think back i soooo wish i stuck it out cause by now my clothes would have been hanging off me. I don't think your in ketosis yet.i think it varies with some ppl..but i do know when ur in it you won't feel how you do today. Hopefully 2mrw you'll wake up full of energy and glad you stuck to it. It took me about 4 -5 days. Good luck hon..i really hope u do start feeling better. xxx
Hi honey.
My first attempt i gave ] up on day 3... am now on day 10 and whenever i think back i soooo wish i stuck it out cause by now my clothes would have been hanging off me. I don't think your in ketosis yet.i think it varies with some ppl..but i do know when ur in it you won't feel how you do today. Hopefully 2mrw you'll wake up full of energy and glad you stuck to it. It took me about 4 -5 days. Good luck hon..i really hope u do start feeling better. xxx

Cheers chick, Im going to try my best to hold out. How did you feel when you first started and what was the difference when in Kitosis? Will I defo notice when I am?
Hey determined,

Thanks for asking!My first weigh in is Monday 21st...which will be my 9th day on the plan. Today has been my worst day yet. Have stuck to it 100% but have been so close to sabotaging myself. Have found myself questioning whether this diet is a good idea etc/why bother etc... As for the exercise, have not done anything since I have been on it and Im normally running 15k a week! I could not even walk the dogs today as I felt soo tired so hubby did it. I think its effecting my vision lol...im sort of squinting to see things which isnt good as im reading music all day.l also have a very fuzzy/light head and seem to get my words in a muddle...and forget what I have just said!! I've not had any headaches but I rarely suffer with them anyway. I can't wait to feel normal again. I have no idea whether I am in kitosis or not. According to my hubby my breath smells but so far thats it. I'm constantly thinking about food and im scared to open the fridge!!! How I became such a food addict I will never know, its soo stupid lol. Anyway, enough of my rant, how are you doing my love? Please let me know x x x

o wow! I had the exact same symptoms on day 3. Today was my day 5 and it was definitely easier than the first four days though I am still scared of opening the fridge door:p so hang in there and the fuzziness/light headedness will go away in a couple of days. Just remember these are the hardest days and sabotaging the diet now won't be worth it. Its only going to get easier with time. best of luck sweetie xxx
Well its day5 and I feel SOOOOO MUCH BETTER!! WOOOHOOOOOOO. No more light/dizzy head and no more dodgey vision. Got back from work and took the dogs out for an hour which was next to impossible yesterday because I was feeling so weak. I might even attempt a short run tomorrow if I feel like this again. Now, do I actually feel better or is it in my head because people have told me it will all get better from day5 onwards?! Hmmm...the mind boggles lol.

Had a strawberry carton for brekkie and the oriental chilli soup for lunch. Both were very nice. Going to have the cappacino as a warm drink this evening. Need to get lots of water down as have only had about 2 pints so far.

How are you all? Hows your day going?? xxxx
Great to hear you are feeling better! And who cares why ;)

I find the hardest part sometime is juggling my water intake with any car journeys I have to make etc so I don't get caught short... talk about "stop the bus.. I want to weeee, weeeeeee" as the song goes. My sister, a half hour drive away, is well used to me arriving at hers and running straight in to the bathroom before I even say hello.
Glad to know your symptoms are getting better. the hardest part is over :D and I wish I had the energy to go running too but I'm still not there :(
Btw have you tried the banana and buttercotch shakes? I've had all my shakes with hot water so far. I was wondering if banana and butterscotch would be better as cold drinks?
And yeah I really like Oriental chilli too:)
Glad to know your symptoms are getting better. the hardest part is over :D and I wish I had the energy to go running too but I'm still not there :(
Btw have you tried the banana and buttercotch shakes? I've had all my shakes with hot water so far. I was wondering if banana and butterscotch would be better as cold drinks?
And yeah I really like Oriental chilli too:)

Bananas are about the only food I don't like so not tried the shake but the butterscotch is LOVELY!!! Its like the butterscotch angel delight :). I have had all my shakes cold so far. Im going to have my cappicino shake warm as abit of a treat tonight lol. Sorry to hear your still feeling abit wozzy. What side effects have u got?
