Overeaters Anonymous - Anyone been?

Hope your meeting went well. I'm an all or nothing person and always looking for a miracle or a quick fix!! Its starting to dawn on me that its going to have to be a long journey that turns my eating habits round, hard work and probably less about food and more about dealing with the troubles of life too.
Keep at it and the new habits will come I'm sure. Keep posting too, very interested to see if OA helps. I'm afraid I'm too chicken to go and I'm trying an online programme to try to help (again maybe looking for an easy quick fix) but hey ho will keep trying!!! Stay strong x
The reality I think is that it won't kick in immediately. I have a 'disease' and I will never be totally cured but I hope to be blessed with 'abstinence' (from over-eating) someday in the not-so-distant future.

Well, it has been said that an addictive personality cannot be cured...but those who have one can make radical or small changes for the better...I am one of those people and it has taken me years...and I am still recovering...I've been fighting various eating disorders since I was about 15 or 16...anything takes time...take baby steps in the direction you want to go and keep going...never give up...
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The reality I think is that it won't kick in immediately. I have a 'disease' and I will never be totally cured but I hope to be blessed with 'abstinence' (from over-eating) someday in the not-so-distant future.

I totally agree, that was me to a T. For years I would wake in the middle of the night and go and make myself sandwiches, and I'm not talking one or two either. I had been known to eat a loaf of bread in a sitting with a pound of cheese as well. It's no joke, I know I'm an addictive person. I'm still struggling to stop smoking and it's only Atkins that is stopping me over eating.

I haven't been to a club or anything, but being a bloke there's no surprise there. ;)
:rolleyes:Hiya Jim. It's great that Atkins has been so good for you. :wow: you have lost so much on it, how long has that taken you? We're talking what about 12st at least? I can't count lol.

Yeah when I can't sleep at night I get up and put telly on and within ten mins I'm in my kitchen looking for something to put in a sarnie. Then I am afraid to go back to bed cos I am all bloated and uncomfortable.:rolleyes:

I would greatly love it if I could stick with an atkins style plan, it'd be fab for controlling my blood sugar levels and my doc wouldn't be talking about insulin. :(
Lyn, the great thing about Atkins for me was that I could eat, no starving myself. I ate loads of meat and eggs with plenty of green veggies. This suited me perfectly. I used the '72 Atkins book, which I found on Amazon. I never used any of the S/F L/C products just clean and green as i like to say. :)
Gosh this is an old post, but yes I have been and the fellowship seems fine, but I am not too keen on the powerless thing, but then again they do say, take what you want and leave the rest. I know there are lots of meetings in London. I think O/A is useful, but I am not a member.
I totally didn't realise we had OEA in the UK, I'm going to look into it I think.