I now have visions of you roaming round Cairns with a generally amenable but occasionally grumpy goat in tow.
So I reckon you must be due a loss soon Ozzie. And if not, well - amputation?
You must know Reginald, you have described him to a tee - yes indeed he is generally amenable, can get a bit cranky sometimes but at his age, he's entitled, dammit!
As for the "amputation" well I nearly spat my tea! It was somewhat unexpected, although I concede the plan has some merit in terms of effectiveness yet somehow I think the long term disadvantages outweigh the short term advantage. But let's keep the idea on the table shall we! Stick a pin in the idea and pin it to the wall!
Unfortunately, I think the answer is largely exercise or lack thereof. It's definitely getting cooler here now so maybe I could try getting a DVD and jump around the room like a loon, I might even make it an exercise DVD ....

I just had visions of me jumping around doing exercises to Star Trek the movie or something...
Marie, I saw your "nutter" comment shortly after my daughter had once again told me "Mum, you're mad in the head you are!" - but I'm taking both comments as flattery

What an excellent realisation about your target being buried in Australia, I can believe that - I think however mine is in the UK. If you start digging a hole in your garden and I start tunnelling from mine, we can perhaps meet halfway - it's a plan! a bad one, but a plan nonetheless! Oooh now some wise words from our friend Sorus come to mind
"what the mind can conceive, it can achieve!" so we better get digging!
Zinc picolinate, what's that all about? I just had a good read about it and it seems a good idea generally. What made you start taking it Sorus? I sometimes think I should take a multi-vitamin at least of some sort. I think my diet is generally quite healthy, but you never know if you're getting everything you need each day.
My green day, the day before yesterday didn't happen and it became a red day and I really enjoyed it! I didn't feel hungry at all - it all happened because I found some leftover frozen bolognese sauce and some frozen microwaveable steamed veggies that I'd forgotten I'd bought. I needed a quick/easy lunch and that provided it! I enjoyed it so much I had it for dinner too! Yesterday, i had a green day, I made 3-tin soup from the recipe section which is actually very nice for lunch and then had a mushroom omelette with spicey couscous for dinner.
This morning, I have been absolutely saintly and made a HUGE pot of mince, some of which I have frozen plain with gravy, some bolognesed and some chilli-ified. That's lunch times sorted out for a while! Despite me saying the other day no more red weeks for me, I think I might give it a go for a while, or at least a mix of those and EE and have a bit of a break from green which is my favourite. Who knows, with my butterfly brain, the plan might change by tomorrow!
Anyway, this is an excessively long post and Reginald needs a walk. Hope everyone is doing well! Keep on truckin' :character00182: Parp! Parp!