Keep on Truckin'
It's Sunday morning here and man looking out the window it's just like being back home! All grey and rainy! Actually, that's me becoming like the aussies who think it's always raining in UK and never believe me that it isn't!
Anyway, I weighed myself a few minutes ago and I'm either up a pound or down a pound or 2 depending on how I look at it
I'm going to ignore the negative aspect and say that I've lost a pound or two! The reason for my dilemma is as I said in my previous post that I didn't weigh myself when I restarted. I was either 169 or 170 a week or so ago, but my last recorded weight on here was 167! this morning I weighed in at 168lbs. I'm going to consider that I lost a pound and feel pleased with myself! I've drawn a new restart line as at today's date at 168lbs and will see how I go from there!
Staying with green today as it's what I like best, only trouble is, it means mainly eating differently to my OH and daughter as they are happy carnivores!
Think I'm going to have a lazy day. No point going to the shops as I have no money, it's too wet to go anywhere else - perhaps I'll have to give in and finally do some of my ironing backlog - oh woe!! Perhaps I should set up a ticker for my ironing pile .... not by weight but by number of items in the backlog ironing pile. Hmmmmmm.... I shall ponder on that
Time for a cup of tea and an apple or something to keep me going til I work out what to eat for brekkie!
Keep on truckin' :character00182: Parp! Parp!
Anyway, I weighed myself a few minutes ago and I'm either up a pound or down a pound or 2 depending on how I look at it

Staying with green today as it's what I like best, only trouble is, it means mainly eating differently to my OH and daughter as they are happy carnivores!
Think I'm going to have a lazy day. No point going to the shops as I have no money, it's too wet to go anywhere else - perhaps I'll have to give in and finally do some of my ironing backlog - oh woe!! Perhaps I should set up a ticker for my ironing pile .... not by weight but by number of items in the backlog ironing pile. Hmmmmmm.... I shall ponder on that

Time for a cup of tea and an apple or something to keep me going til I work out what to eat for brekkie!
Keep on truckin' :character00182: Parp! Parp!