OzzieMoz's Upside Down Diary!

Well it's weigh in day and it's most bizarre! Having had a quiet unenergetic hissy fit the other day and really feeling uninspired by SW, I've only gone and lost 3lbs this week - that's after having barely lost anything the previous couple of months. I would be dancing around with joy, but part of me keeps thinking this loss just means that I won't lose anything else for another month or two. I'm not usually such an Eeyore but I'm finding it so slow going shedding the pounds this time that I seem to have gone that way in relation to weight loss. I sincerely hope I'm proved wrong. To be honest, if I can lose half a pound this week that will see my 2 stone sticker and I'll be happy :D Actually to be honest I am happy this morning - 3lbs is probably the most I've lost in a week. Usually it's a pound at most and frequently a sts or a small gain :8855:

Not much else to say, still operating on the nothing nice to say, say nothing policy :p

Just realised I'm starving and for once haven't remembered my breakfast - I'm quite shocked as my warm weetbix and milk with a squirt of golden syrup is undoubtedly my favourite meal of the day. How sad is that :rotflmao: I think it's because the taste : speed of making ratio is perfect!

Anyway, I'm going to keep on keeping on and see what this week brings. Hopefully that half pound will go or at least a sts.

Good luck to all my fellow truckers - we will get there in the end!
Hi Oz!!!! Nice to see you on here again, even if your fellow truckers have (almost) deserted you!! Congrats on losing 3lbs - I've put on 3 Lbs! :) I've been to-ing and fro-ing to London the past week or so and it really hasn't done my weight loss any favours, but never mind, back on the wagon now!

Sorry you don't have anything nice to say! How is Mr Oz - or shouldn't I ask????? :(

Trace xxx
Hi Oz!!!! Nice to see you on here again, even if your fellow truckers have (almost) deserted you!! Congrats on losing 3lbs - I've put on 3 Lbs! :) I've been to-ing and fro-ing to London the past week or so and it really hasn't done my weight loss any favours, but never mind, back on the wagon now!

Sorry you don't have anything nice to say! How is Mr Oz - or shouldn't I ask????? :(

Trace xxx

Mr Oz is on the mend, still limping and I really don't think he should go back to work no matter how much I want him out from under my feet :8855: He's been off for 5 and a half weeks now and it's too much! I'm horrible aren't I :rotflmao: but at least I'm honest about my horribleness! :p

I wish I could nip back to London. I tell you what, when I do eventually get to go back there, it's going to be planned with military precision to make sure I get done everything I want to get done! Sadly enough this will include a trip to Tescos and/or Sainsburys just to gaze at the shelves and see the lovely food I'm missing out on! That is very sad of me, but again, it's true!

All is peaceful here at the moment as I'm the only one up. Chaos will start soon though, funny thing is it's not my daughter (8) or stepson who is visiting (10) who cause the ruckus, it's my OH and older stepson (20). They're noisy beggars. Ho hum! Enjoy the peace while I can!

I'm still not entirely convinced that those 3lbs that disappeared last week will stay off, it might just have been a flukey dip but I do know that once I've got to one of those "dips" it does mean I'm capable of getting back there. We will see what this week brings!

Today is going to be a green day. I have no idea what I'm going to eat though. Might have a wander through some food diaries as I want to eat something different.

Better go now before the hordes arise!

Keep on truckin' :character00182: Parp! Parp!
Hey Ozzie - just thought I'd drop in on you and say hi. I haven't been on here for weeks and just had a catch up with your diary.

Well done on your 3lb loss, let's hope it isn't just a flukey dip and that it stays off plus you lose your other half pound. I'd say 2st in 9 months is still great - you may feel you're getting nowhere but I do think the alternative to not attempting any diet is that you slowly (or quickly in my case!) add the pounds year by year.

As for me, I've had one horrendous week where I put on 7lb after a Saturday night party and Sunday off plan. I was gutted! Went to my group meeting, found myself in tears before I'd even gone in there as my wii fit had shown a huge gain and was laughing its head off at me...so I drove off but my friend was coming along in her car and persuaded me to come in. I was very emotional all night and so embarrassed haha. Luckily I got 6.5lb of it off the next week as my consultant explained the gain was temporary. And it's been coming off slowly. I've now got 2lb to go for my 6st award.

Glad to see you're still around on here even though it's been 6 days since you were on last. Hope everything is well with you x
Yayyy Marie :D Really glad to hear from you - I was getting to the point where I was going to come looking if you didn't hadn't of turned up! :rotflmao: Blimey, you're doing so well - fingers crossed for you getting rid of those 2lbs this week! It was probably a really good thing that you did bump into your friend, as at least with the weight gain acknowledged/accepted with the rational head on, you knew you could lose it. It's that bloody irrational head that causes the trouble .... "oh woe, it's never coming off, what's the point - I might as well eat my weight in cakes and crisps and pies and all things nice ..blah blah....." We all do it! Don't we? Or is it just me that hears voices? :rotflmao:

As to my weight, well lo and behold it was a flukey dip - d'oh! Weigh in yesterday showed a 1.5lb gain, so it could have been worse. At least the overall trend is downward. I do get frustrated at how slowly it's coming off this time, hence my little peaceful tantrum in one of my posts last week or was it the week before? But I suppose if I use my rational head, and yes I do have one :p then I know that I'm enjoying the food I eat, it's not really a struggle staying on plan, so what's my problem? I just need the occasional pat on the back and told I'm doing well. I'm a needy kid! :rotflmao: My OH takes no notice of my progress and I don't have the group support so all I have to listen to is my own irrational thoughts and Reggie of course and Willy Wagtail and another of my little beastie friends, the kettle gecko. I never thought I would like having little lizardy things running round the house but I do like geckos. Our population fell because the cat kept killing them but our kettle gekko has been there for ages!

I'm digressing! ok ok - I'm wittering! that's more honest :rotflmao:

Anyway, as I said, I put on 1.5lbs this week. Two steps forward, one back - meh! I'm ok about it as I suspected this would happen. However, I'll not be so sanguine about it if more goes on this week! Sticking to plan even though it's not so easy at the moment as youngun is on school holidays for a couple of weeks.

We had a lovely trip up to the zoo here on Friday afternoon. It's only a little zoo but it's really friendly. We stayed to watch the crocodile presentation this time, it's incredible hearing their jaws snap shut right up close to where you're standing. It's soooo loud! Couldn't help thinking that the lady doing the talk was a complete lunatic being that close to those jaws! But that's an aussie for you!

Day before yesterday I taught my daughter to knit. She's so pleased with herself and she's doing really well far better than I did at her age. She does tend to shriek and panic anytime things go wrong which they inevitably do when she occasionally forgets to hold on to the needle so she can wave her arm around while she talks and all the stitches slip off! She's like me, talks with her hands!

It looks like a drizzly day today - so no idea what we'll do. Probably a bit of knitting and cash up her change pot. She banks half and spends half. It's funny going round the shops with her while she works out best value for her money! But it does get tiring when she varies her wish list... "if I get this, this and this, do I have enough money? Orrrrrrr if I get that, this and that.....? or this, this and that?" After a while, I lose track of what everything cost, what her lists were ..... and eventually the will to live! It always turns out alright in the end!

Well, I've rambled far too long. OH is back to work today, poor soul. I felt really bad driving him to work this morning. He took painkillers before he went and walked in sadly, actually he bumped his head getting out the car, so his day didn't even get off to the best start! He's barely walked for 6 weeks now, he's really going to struggle. I'm on alert to be a nice soothing wifey when he calls later in the morning.... I struggle with nice-ness so I have to psych myself up :rotflmao:

Anyway, I'm wittering still ... Hope everyone is doing well and all are happy with life in general :D

We're all getting there! The forum is getting lighter! Keep on truckin' :character00182: Parp! Parp!
Hey Ozzie and Marie (I can't help but think of the Osmonds now!);

It's been like trucker's vacation for me recently, sorry I haven't been around to contribute to the wittering and the support.

Sounds like you've been kept on your toes Oz by all the demands on your time. It's hard enough to lose weight but add on the stress of family commitments and it becomes a real challenge. I (fortunately) don't have kiddlets to deal with; I don't know how you manage it with small people running around your feet demanding chocolate.

Anyway - keep trucking; we'll get there eventually (somehow!)
Hi Ozzie!!! Sorry to hear you 3lbs loss turned into a gain :( I'm also a slow loser. Life just gets in the way sometimes. I know what you mean about the irrational voices in your head - they used to talk to me a lot, but they don't visit quite as often now! :D

I know exactly what you mean about your daughter spending her money! I spent many a happy(?) hour in Toys R Us with my daughter whilst her dad and brother sat indoors watching the football on a Sunday afternoon! Make the most of it - it goes so quickly. Mind you, my daughter and I (and my Mum) still spend many a happy hour at the shops, although now it's M&S, Next and Dororthy Perkins!!

Hope your hubby coped OK on his first day back to work and his head isn't too sore! As I'm writing this he's probably already into his 2nd day back now!

Well, take care and keep on truckin'!!!!!!! Bye for now, Tracy xxxx
Ok - I'm feeling a bit sheepish (no offence to Reggie the goat intended :p ) - hadn't realised it had been so long since I had posted. I've still been reading Minimins most days, just not really been feeling inclined to post for various reasons.

Well, a few weeks ago I said that I planned to have a pretend holiday as I don't have a real one to look forward to :rotflmao: - some might say that living in Far North Queensland that I'm on a permanent holiday! Anyway, I decided to take my week off Slimming World during the school holidays, it's our winter here, so it was only a 2 week break from school. I wasn't horrendously bad, I more or less stuck to SW meals just had more treats and the occasional takeaway. Like many people have found, it eventually made me feel quite ill, even though I never went OTT - I think it was just a shock to my system. My system got it's revenge two-fold though, one in a way I won't mention but the other was I gained a really unpleasant 6lbs! In two weeks!! :eek: and I wasn't even that bad! Good lord I thought and ate an ice-cream to cheer myself up :rotflmao: Anyway, I returned to the fold a couple of days ago and now my stomach is complaining about the healthy food - never happy is it! tsk tsk!

I'm not panicking about the weight gain, I know it's not a "real" gain as such and most will go quickly just rather surprised that it went on so quickly with such minor transgressions. I suppose thinking about it, my weight loss has always been very slow this time even though nearly every week is 100% so it was probably inevitable that when I did stray that I would pay a terrible price.

I am seriously tired of not being the weight/size I want to be and of my slow progress so I'm making a conscious decision to really up my game a bit and make sure more variety goes into my food intake and will try to mix up the days more. Green just suits me well but Red is quite effective so I must mix them up a bit. I might even join the Fishy Week crew one week - I love fish but I never cook it, only ever eat it when I'm out for dinner which I never am these days ! Maybe that's why my poor brain is withering away, not enough brain-food!

My other decision is to quit BodyOptimise as I have found it singularly unhelpful and my least favourite purchase of the last 12 months. Last year my favourite purchase of the year was my hair-straighteners, this year rather bizarrely my favourite purchase so far is my new little alarm clock, it's a thing of great wonder and I love it very much which is strange since who likes being woken up in the morning! But it has lovely colours and tells me the temperature and the date and stuff, it even tells the time! ;) :D

I digress (see nothing changes here!).

My final decision is to keep a food diary which I never have done, well not properly anyway. I want to be able to review it and perhaps see more clearly where I can make changes and substitute more free or superspeed foods to speed up losses a bit.

Having made 3 decisions in one day, you can well imagine how exhausted I must be feeling :D

Today is going to be a red day. My plan so far is as follows....

banana, strawberry and FF yoghurt

Chicken stir fry with honey, garlic, soy marinade

Mince and onions thickened with bisto gravy powder and cornflour. Served with a small sploodge of mash (Hex B) and steamed carrots, broccoli and cauliflower.

Numerous cups of tea with skimmed milk (Hex A) interspersed with Green Tea with mint. <---- I'm a tea addict, I must confess!

Probably a Milky Way at 6 syns I think and that should probably have used all my syns for the day, as I can't remember what syns I worked out for the stir fry marinade and the bisto/cornflour. Fruit is available if I get peckish too!

Sorry for the hugely long post.... and I haven't even told you what I've been up to lately! It's not actually all that interesting really, but in the interests of brevity (I think that ship has already sailed :rotflmao: ) I shall leave it for now and wibble some more tomorrow!

Hope everyone is well and happy! I'm going to hunt down some absent friends later and find out how they're diddling!

After an unscheduled stop at the service station, I'm back to truckin' and will stick with it!! :character00182: Parp! Parp!
Today is not going to be such a long post :rotflmao: that is my decision for today! Phew! Glad I got that out of the way - now I can have a carefree decision free day - wooopity doo! :D

I was splendidly good yesterday and stuck to plan. I don't know why red days make me hungry - I'm fairly certain that it's a pyschological thing, so I'm going to ignore it and plod along with red days for a few days regardless. Not entirely sure what to eat today or more importantly when. The annual fair is in town and it's a really big thing here. People spend a small fortune - you can buy cars and everything there, along with the usual crap. Even doing the bare minimum of rides and sideshows and odd little treats costs a fair bit. Some families spend exhorbitant amounts, I don't think I would even if I could which I can't :rotflmao: I don't think you can get anything remotely healthy to eat there, so timing is going to be crucial but what makes it tricky is that just like in Britain, when it's a holiday weekend which this is, the weather generally gets a bit dodgy. Big rain clouds looming at the moment :eek: We shall see!

Plan at the moment which is subject to change is to have....

Banana, strawberries and FF yoghurt

cheese (HexA) and ham omelette with stirfry veg

leftover mince and veg from yesterday

Numerous cups of tea with skimmed milk (HexA)

Digestive biscuit (3.5 syns I think) and fruit as and when. A few syns will be eaten as the mince was thickened with cornflour and the stir fry sauce so I think I will leave my syns at that for the day.

This is the plan. Tomorrow we shall see if I stuck to it!

All is generally fine here. OH is back to work for a couple of weeks now and is managing ok. Still taking painkillers but coping. Daughter is still a delight, she got a really good report from school at the end of last term. The nicest thing about it is that she always gets top marks for effort and each teacher she has had so far in her 3 years at school has commented that she is an absolute joy to teach and a delight to have in the classroom. I'm a very proud mum!

Still job hunting in a half-hearted way. Really need to pull my finger out, no excuses now as OH back at work. This weekend I'm going to get focussed. Blimey! I've made another decision. I better have a lie down and a cup of tea!

Hope everyone is doing well, keeping positive, smiling and losing weight! I'm smiling .... as for the rest of it - meh! :rotflmao:

Keep on truckin' my friends :character00182: Parp! Parp!

Just realised that this isn't such a short post after all - but I did try, so I should get points for trying! .... and then deduct them for failing :p ;)
Hi Ozzie,

Glad to see you back :D I wondered where you had toddled off too ;)

I must say that keeping a food diary is really handy, on the one hand it's useful being able to write down everything that you have eaten to see any patterns etc but also it has the "naughty" factor to it that you don't want to eat lots of rubbish because you don't want people to read that you do if that makes sense??

Also, I know you are no longer using Body Optimise but I was thinking that maybe the syns of things over there may be higher than the British equivalents over here? You probably have already done this so sorry if I am speaking out of turn but would it be worth running your favourite foods through the syn calculator just to make sure there are no hidden extras? Also, have you found Quorn there yet? My MIL is over here at the moment and she said that Coles are selling it, that may give you a few more options too?

I think I may have caught your witteringitis (in the nicest possible way of course) ;) so I will shoot off but hope that the "New Ozzie" get the results you want off the scales :D
Ozzieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome back!!! I was starting to wonder if you and Reggie had run off into the sunset together! Since my Bon Jovi/Green Day/interview visits to London I've lost the 3lbs I put on, but don't think I've managed to lose anything this week. :-( I'd like to lose another 3lbs to get me to 11 stone exactly and my 2 stone award, by the time I go on holiday in 3 weeks time. I don't know if I'm gonna manage it tho'. Oh well, I'll keep trying.

I've put my house on the market so although I'm still eating the SW way, I'm not doing nearly as much exercise and consequently not losing weight so well. I've been titivating the house rather than going dancing - I know which I'd rather do!

Your daughter sounds lovely - well done on producing such a lovely girlie and bringing her up so well!!! I'm very close to my daughter and she's a joy to me. Of course I love my son loads as well but my daugher is a mini me, and come to think of it, I'm a mini version of my Mum!!!

I'd better stop now- I've already hijacked Capricorn's diary this evening!

Keep on trucking! Lots of love, Tracy xxxx
Hiya Sara :D Sorry about my disappearing act .... I tend to do that from time to time but I always surface sooner or later - like the proverbial bad penny I always turn up ;) :D

Your M-i-L was right, Quorn is here at last - yayyy! Both Coles and Woolworths are stocking it now, but just the frozen products, mince, pieces, sausages, cottage pie, lasagne and I think some sort of dippers. It's quite expensive, the stocked price is $5.99 for each of the items, although they are now doing special offers. I suppose it's down to whether or not it's popular as to whether they'll continue stocking it. I've only eaten sausages so far, I've forgotten my mince recipes and I never used the pieces anyway, no idea why not though!

I take your point about the syn values on aussie items as to whether there are more syns in them than the english equivalent, it's possible. I tend to make food from scratch for that very reason and use very little by way of tinned/jars/ready made items. It's not because I'm a cooking freak, I'm not, I hate cooking to be honest, it's just I'm paranoid about the extra syns hidden away. Meh! I muddle along!

Liking your hat by the way - very understated Sara :rotflmao:

Hellooooo again Tracy - good luck with the house move! How is the market there now - are houses selling better now? The market was on the way down when I moved away which must have been a worrying time for anyone except 1st home buyers.... oh and the mega-rich I suppose :D by the way, that doesn't include me, sadly!

Going to the show and my red day went as I suspected horribly wrong! We had a good day out but it turned into a green day, due to eating some chips, but not many. Having done that I thought it best to convert. To be honest I'm pretty sure I stayed within syns as apart from the chips the only other syns I had were in red pesto which I had with my dinner.

Yesterday was a horrible day. Friction in the OzzieMoz household... actually that's an understatement. However, I didn't let it affect my eating and had another green day within syns. All seems peaceful this morning, but who knows if the ceasefire will last. I'm not game enough to stick my head up above the parapet yet :rotflmao: But worry not, I'm still laughing, I have no idea why, it may be hysteria, it may be lunacy, it might just be my general cheerful demeanour.... I suspect lunacy though :p

For all those who think I live in a sunny tropical paradise, it's grey rainy and a bit chilly today. It's by no means cold, but obviously our clothes here are totally inappropriate to anything but the warmest temperature and all the windows are open with just screen doors over them. If they were closed I would probably be warm.

Going to brave the drizzle shortly and go food shopping. Not much food in due to a financial muddle the other day and I am assuming that people/animals here will insist on being fed again today - curse them :rotflmao:

Today is going to be a red day. Probably. I have a vague plan in my head but it's too much subject to change for me to write it down. I will do later though. Sneaky peek at scales this morning suggest that some of my outrageous 6lbs on will be gone for WI tomorrow. I sincerely hope so!

Anyway, I must tootle off and do my thing. Keep on truckin' :character00182: Parp! Parp!
Hi Ozzie! Sorry to hear about the friction in your household - hope it's all sorted now?

I stayed the same this week - not impresed! Oh well, I guess it was to be expected, but it's disappointing nevertheless.

The housing market doesn't look too good at the moment - since the election there seems to be a lot more houses on the market, but they seem to be staying there! Plus the school holidays started on Friday, so I don't think I've picked the best time to put the house up for sale. Oh well, we shall see ..........

That's all for now, keep on truckin'. Lots of love, Trace xxxxxxxxxx
Morning all :D

Eeeeek Tracy, a sts is frustrating for sure even if you know the reason why. I find it bugs me that just one small piece of evil in a week seems to throw out the whole plan for me. Must be my sluggish metabolism... I did wonder why I leave a slime trail behind me, now I understand - I'm a slug :rotflmao: I hate slugs, they are really something that give me the heebie-jeebies, haven't seen any here, maybe they don't get them, I must ask!

Things have settled down a bit here now, I've just kept myself to myself and peace reigns supreme! yayy! I suspect this will not last the day as stepson and OH seem to be at odds so I'll have a day listening to each of them moan about the other. They're working different shift patterns today so hopefully their paths won't cross too much!

Had green days the last couple of days. I really struggle to focus on red days but I'm sure they are better for me. I'm going to try and have a few fishy days and see how I go with that. I've never cooked fish before - how shameful is that and I love fish. Hoping not to kill myself off in the process. Going to keep it simple to start with and see how I go. I've got kippers for lunch - I think I like them or maybe I hate them. I remember I feel strongly one way or the other. Oh gawd, I'm a lunatic at times!

So todays plan which is probably going to change is....

Banana, strawberry and FF yoghurt

Kippers and stir fry veggies. Probably a yuck combo but meh it's quick and easy!

tuna chopped up with red onion, green and red peppers, a little bit of sweetcorn and a smidge of low fat mayo to bind it a bit served with salad

numerous cups of tea with skimmed milk (Hex A)

Hmmmm - no Hex B. Probably have a slice of wholemeal toast with vegemite mid morning or mid afternoon..... or maybe even mid evening... I'm pretty sure it will be mid something though :p

It's raining today and looks miserable out there but I've a heap of stuff to be getting on with so at least it's cool and I won't overheat! Every cloud has a silver lining and all that....

Hope everyone is doing well and had a good restful and/or fun weekend. Keep on truckin' because I am! :character00182: Parp! Parp!
Well yesterday didn't go to plan. No real reason for it either. I just think I'm not destined to plan food as I instinctively rebel against rules even those set by myself it would seem, actually, mainly those set by myself otherwise generally I'm a law-abiding amenable sort of person :rotflmao:

Stayed on-plan though, just not mine! Had a green day. Cheese omelette with stir fry veg for lunch and quorn sausages with couscous for dinner.

Still raining here and I have a heap of towels and bedding to wash and no way of getting them dry - fingers crossed for a dry day tomorrow but I think we're set for rain for a few more days and it's not even the wet season! Good for the gardens though, this time last year we didn't have rain for ages and everything started going a bit brown which incidentally is my least favourite colour, probably due to having a brown school uniform .... ewwwwwk, that school was cruel!

Today I've decided to have another green day because it's easier and I'm not in the mood for battling my inner demons. I don't know what I'm going to eat though but it has to include stir-fry veg though as I have to finish the packet today. I hate wasting food.

I'm seriously upping my fruit/veg intake and reducing the carbs a bit as I think this is maybe where I had become a bit lax recently. Just want to see what difference this makes.

I better shuffle off and tidy the kitchen as it will soon be time to bring stepson home for his lunch break. It's a pain when OH and him are on different shifts I end up going backwards and forwards all day!

Keep on truckin'!
Well what a glorious day!! I'm a tad over-excited and all because we're having a shiney brand new fridge/freezer delivered today - woop woop!! Finally I can stop using the hideous monstrosity that is an offence to .... the world really I suppose. Only an hour to go and it should be here.... it's not really a fancy pants one but it's clean and the seals should work on it and the shelves trays aren't cracked or warped and it will have more than 2 shelves and the freezer will fit more than a bag of veg! Oh glorious day! :rotflmao:

Apart from that nothing much is happening ..... but it doesn't need to because I'm happy! The downside is that I have to clear out the monster .... and clean it up because we will be keeping it as an outside fridge for surplus stuff probably mainly in summer and/or when I go back to work and can't shop quite so often. We shall see .... but for now, have I mentioned we're getting a new fridge/freezer? :p

Stuck to plan yesterday, was as good as gold. Keeping up with my decision to really up the veg/salad/fruit intake and I'm feeling better for it. I always used to eat heaps I think I had just eased off it the last 3 or 4 months. Not sure when, think my intake had gradually declined.

Everything else here is plodding along reasonably well. Stepson has a new gf and she seems lovely, so he's a happy lad, it's good to see him this way :)

Well I'm having another green day, it was going to be red but I forgot to pick up some chicken when I was in the supermarket so I'll just stick with green and do the chicken thing tomorrow.

Keep on truckin' :D

PS Did I mention the fridge/freezer?
Good morning all :)

Lovely fridge/freezer arrived yesterday and looks so much bigger than it did in the shop :eek: It's a thing of great beauty and cleanliness. The other good thing is that we think we might be able to get away with just running the one fridge/freezer which should save us a bit on the power bill. Australia is no different to the UK in terms of sharply rising prices in the last few years, only trouble here is that there is no competition, not in the Far North anyway so that keeps prices inflated.

Yesterday was a green day as I thought it would be. Fruit and yoghurt for brekkie, omelette and stir fry for lunch, quorn sausages and cous-cous for dinner. Going to try and have a red day today but have loads of running around to do today and not sure I'll get time to go to the shops although I want to as I think the special offer on Quorn will end soon ... if it hasn't already :eek: Hmmmmm, maybe I should re-prioritise my nippings hither and thither.....

Got to go and buy some new bolts for my daughter's bed. We heard some loud whooping and yeeee-hawing from her room yesterday evening and found her having converted her bed into a horse .... unfortunately the bed was a bit rickety and her "horse" eventually threw her and she went crashing down through it. Luckily I was too amused and reminded of my own childhood to get cross, so we giggled instead. Now I've just got to repair the bed, which in all honesty, we've known we should do for a while. It was very funny though! :rotflmao:

I better go before I get too comfortable sitting here. Hope everyone is well and happy and being good as they can be! Keep on truckin' :character00182: Parp! Parp!
Hi Ozzie, it's great to see you online so much this week. I love the tale about your daughter's bed - it reminded me of when my son was younger. He used to love WWF wrestling and decided to copy his heroes and practice his wrestling moves on isbed. It was one of those that had wooden slats across the base - you can guess what happened can't you????? This carried on for a while until he got fed up with wrestling and his bed had huge gaps in the base!!

OMG!!!!!!!! What a day!!!! :D

Firstly, I jumped on the sales this morning and I've lost 2lbs!!! I'm only a pound away from my 2 stone sticker now!

Secondly, do you remember I went for an interview in London? Weeeeeeeeeelllllllll ............ I got it!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been accepted on a training course at work that lasts 2 years and at the end of it I get promoted plus a £5k payrise!!!!!! Over 3,000 people applied for it, 350 got invited for interview and 150 people actually got a place!!!!! I'm SO chuffed!!!!!!!!!! SW is out the window tonite cos I'm out for a curry and a *couple* (ahem) of drinkies to celebrate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, better go now cos my friend is picking me up soon. Just one more thing - I'm wearing a size 12 skirt (even if it has got an elasticated waist - this time last year it would probably have only gone round one leg!!!:D)

Take care and lots of love, Tracy xxxx
Hey Tracey :D I'm trying to set up more of a routine for myself during the week which includes time at the pc each morning while I have my brekkie ..... yes yes I know that's an awful habit, eating at the pc, but it's my breakfast treat and I don't care :p :D

Yayyyyy on your great news! It's a real ego booster to know quite how big the competition was and yet you beat them! Well done! Does this mean you'll be heading in to London more often or was it just the interview that was there? If you do go, then I'm jealous still .... I miss the pollution .... oh my poor lungs with all this fresh air I'm forced to breathe now :rotflmao: Seriously, the fresh air exhausted me when I first came over :eek:

Stuck to plan yesterday. Green day, and is a green day today too.... WI is tomorrow. I've rather lost track of what I was last week, so I'll have to check. I'm hoping that I've lost a bit more of the 6lbs :eek: that I gained on my couple of weeks off ... I think that I will only have a couple left to get rid of, but we shall see what the scales say tomorrow!

Quiet day in today. I really should be going out but having done heaps of housework this morning (so much for it being the weekend :rolleyes: ) I think I might not bother. I need to work out whether the toilet paper will last til tomorrow.... that's the only thing that we run the risk of trouble with :rotflmao: and that's not really the sort of trouble that any of us would enjoy, so really maybe I should go out after all - d'oh! I seem to have "talked" myself into it !

Hope all are well and happy and living the life of Reilly, assuming of course that Reilly had a happy life, if his life sucked then I hope you're living the life of someone who had or is having a really good life! :D

Keep on truckin' my friends! :character00182: Parp! Parp!

ETA.... perhaps it should be Riley. I dunno *shrugs*