Ok - I'm feeling a bit sheepish (no offence to Reggie the goat intended

) - hadn't realised it had been so long since I had posted. I've still been reading Minimins most days, just not really been feeling inclined to post for various reasons.
Well, a few weeks ago I said that I planned to have a pretend holiday as I don't have a real one to look forward to

- some might say that living in Far North Queensland that I'm on a permanent holiday! Anyway, I decided to take my week off Slimming World during the school holidays, it's our winter here, so it was only a 2 week break from school. I wasn't horrendously bad, I more or less stuck to SW meals just had more treats and the occasional takeaway. Like many people have found, it eventually made me feel quite ill, even though I never went OTT - I think it was just a shock to my system. My system got it's revenge two-fold though, one in a way I won't mention but the other was I gained a really unpleasant 6lbs! In two weeks!!

and I wasn't even
that bad! Good lord I thought and ate an ice-cream to cheer myself up

Anyway, I returned to the fold a couple of days ago and now my stomach is complaining about the healthy food - never happy is it! tsk tsk!
I'm not panicking about the weight gain, I know it's not a "real" gain as such and most will go quickly just rather surprised that it went on so quickly with such minor transgressions. I suppose thinking about it, my weight loss has always been very slow this time even though nearly every week is 100% so it was probably inevitable that when I did stray that I would pay a terrible price.
I am seriously tired of not being the weight/size I want to be and of my slow progress so I'm making a conscious decision to really up my game a bit and make sure more variety goes into my food intake and will try to mix up the days more. Green just suits me well but Red is quite effective so I must mix them up a bit. I might even join the Fishy Week crew one week - I love fish but I never cook it, only ever eat it when I'm out for dinner which I never am these days ! Maybe that's why my poor brain is withering away, not enough brain-food!
My other decision is to quit BodyOptimise as I have found it singularly unhelpful and my least favourite purchase of the last 12 months. Last year my favourite purchase of the year was my hair-straighteners, this year rather bizarrely my favourite purchase so far is my new little alarm clock, it's a thing of great wonder and I love it very much which is strange since who likes being woken up in the morning! But it has lovely colours and tells me the temperature and the date and stuff, it even tells the time!
I digress (see nothing changes here!).
My final decision is to keep a food diary which I never have done, well not properly anyway. I want to be able to review it and perhaps see more clearly where I can make changes and substitute more free or superspeed foods to speed up losses a bit.
Having made 3 decisions in one day, you can well imagine how exhausted I must be feeling
Today is going to be a red day. My plan so far is as follows....
banana, strawberry and FF yoghurt
Chicken stir fry with honey, garlic, soy marinade
Mince and onions thickened with bisto gravy powder and cornflour. Served with a small sploodge of mash (Hex B) and steamed carrots, broccoli and cauliflower.
Numerous cups of tea with skimmed milk (Hex A) interspersed with Green Tea with mint. <---- I'm a tea addict, I must confess!
Probably a Milky Way at 6 syns I think and that should probably have used all my syns for the day, as I can't remember what syns I worked out for the stir fry marinade and the bisto/cornflour. Fruit is available if I get peckish too!
Sorry for the hugely long post.... and I haven't even told you what I've been up to lately! It's not actually all that interesting really, but in the interests of brevity (I think that ship has already sailed

) I shall leave it for now and wibble some more tomorrow!
Hope everyone is well and happy! I'm going to hunt down some absent friends later and find out how they're diddling!
After an unscheduled stop at the service station, I'm back to truckin' and will stick with it!! :character00182: Parp! Parp!