I dont know if i'm hungry, or whether i've just got it in my head I should eat because its lunchtime? How do I know whart hungry feels like? haha, guess I wait for my tummy to rumble?
You will start to understand what hunger feels like and get an understanding of how much and when you'll eat etc. If you think you're a bit hungry but unsure, do as AngelaSS suggested and try drinking a glass of water. If you still have the same feeling after 10 mins then you probably are hungry so you should eat something. Eat as consciously as you can and stop when you feel a bit satisfied.
This system isn't about consciously trying not to eat, it's about recognizing those hunger and full signals and listening to them. It's just learning what those feelings are that's the hardest bit!
When you eat, at some point, the food you're eating will not seem as interesting as it did when you started your meal. This would be my way of recognizing that I'm becoming satisfied. At this point stop eating. If 20 mins later you are hungry again then eat some more of it until you get that feeling again.
If I were you, I would weigh myself! It always gives me reassurance that I am doing things right! Don't over do it though. Once a week is plenty to start with, but if you can wait 2 weeks even better!
You can eat whatever you like, if soup is the easiest for you, have that! I always make sure I have something I can have in between, like a musli bar, to avoid getting too hungry. That's when the risk of overeating is the highest!