I still need to get back on the wagon, this is getting ridiculous now. I just have no motivation left; I just want to be thin over night, which I know will never happen! What I've found is that I've taken advantage of the 'eat what you want, not what you think you should' golden rule and forgotton the other three rules. I've now developed cravings for all the stuff that I don't want to be eating, including chocolate, crisps and every bread product known to man. I'm also eating when I'm bored so I've made a decision.
A while ago I tried the Harcombe Diet and lost a lot of weight in a couple of weeks. However, this wasn't sustainable and I know that I still wouldn't be able to do it. However, one of the nice side effects of that diet was that after 5 days it completely eliminated all my cravings for things like chocolate and carbs. What I'm going to do is do the 5 day phase 1 of the Harcombe diet, starting Friday (I have to go out for a mandatory dinner Thursday night at a client's place and have no control over the menu so won't bother starting before that), to hopefully detox and reboot myself into wanting to eat healthily again. I'll still do the gastric band and follow the golden rules but for 5 days I'm going to stick with the diet plan. I know diets are bad but I'm not doing it for the weight loss, I'm doing it to ditch the cravings and get my head in a better place. After 5 days I'm hoping to have it together again and continue Pauls techniques for the long term. I also like all the foods I can have on the diet so I don't think I'll feel too bad about it.
I'll let you know how I get on.