Paul McKenna's Hypnotic Gastric Band

I completely fell off the wagon. I traveled and had some issues to deal with, I followed none of the golden rules and had binges like there was no tomorrow all throughout the last 1-1.5 weeks. :(
BUT.... I am getting back in today! Tomorrow I'm going back to the gym too. Time to pick up the reigns again!
hi im new and i have purchased the paul mckenna gastric band hypnosis book iv read half but i find tht i aint takin it in.. iv got to a stage where i dont even wanna know what i weight last year i was 17st and then i fell pregnant with my 2nd child and i feel as if i have piled on loads more and with havin 2 csections my body has a strange shape. iv tried so many diets an its wont budge i cant get to a gym. iv always done it myself so im tryin this out to see if chattin to people tht are in the same situation with the loosin weight will help me through
Wow this thread has gone rather quiet! and Missmiff appears to be missing. Hope all is well with everyone and the eating is going well.

I've been doing 5:2 the last couple of weeks and I'm rather enjoying it. I never quite got to grips with listening to my body so I've found this better for me.

How are you all doing? Don't let this thread die!
Hey Mairead - glad the 5:2 is working for you :)

This thread has gone a bit quiet, hasn't it? I'm just really struggling to eat consciously and get my motivation back. I'm listening to the CD but I think half the issue is that I'm not consciously following the golden rules (except the one about eating whatever I want, of course!) and as a result I'm not feeling like I'm getting anywhere.

Re-reading the book (AGAIN) though and trying to consciously remember to eat slowly and consciously, and stop when I'm really full.

Kayx - don't worry too much about taking in a lot of the book. There a whole sections Paul says he doesn't expect you to consciously understand but he talks about them in his trances and apparently your sub-conscious will be able to link it to what you read. Just keep reading until you get the whole way through and it should definitely work :) good luck!
Hiya! It certainly has been quiet on here lately, whoops!

I'm still struggling to get back on track and follow the 4 golden rules. I've been listening to the CD and I lost a pound last week so that's good. I'm also making a conscious decision to eat healthier and I've cut out a rubbish from my lunches. I'm mainly having salads and fruit now, which I think is helping. I'm also really enjoying it so that must be a change for the better!

I tried 5:2 a while ago and whilst I loved the 5 days, the 2 days just got to be a bit of a struggle. I didn't like feeling hungry and therefore found it hard to stick to. Some of my friends are doing it though and they're loving it so it's just about finding the thing that's right for you.

I had a week or two where I ate way too much junk, crisps and chocolate were never far away and I felt rubbish after all that. I think I've snapped out of it now though and am back on the healthies and snacking less so that's good. I also aquired a bottle of raspberry ketone capsules. No idea what they're supposed to do, other than give you yummy raspberry flavoured burps for a couple of hours but since I started taking them I've noticed that my mood has massively improved. Don't know if it's anything to do with them or the healthier eating (probably the latter!) but I find that I'm often feeling happy for no particular reason and my energy levels have shot up! I keep waking up an hour earlier than usual and having to get up and do stuff because I can't sleep any longer hehe soooo not like me!!

Anyway, keep at it everyone! We'll get there in the end!
I found that listening to the cd improved my mood considerably as I think it helped to see myself in a more positive light.

Totally agree with the having to find what's best for you. I used to beat myself up thinking about how I should be able to stick to diets if other people can.
Hi all :wavey:

Just popping in to say hi and congratulate you all on your losses - especially MissMiff - WOW you are amazing girl - what an inspiration!!!! :worthy:

Like most of you I've tried every diet known to womankind, usually lose 2 stone then fall off the wagon bigtime and put loads back on before the next "miracle diet" grabs my attention - but I didn't hesitate in buying HGB because of the amazing stories here and on Amazon. Once it arrived, I read the book from cover to cover in one sitting and did a dance around the living room because I feel like I can finally see light at the end of the tunnel! :D

Going to read it again tomorrow, practice the Havening and listen to the CD, then it's all systems go.

Lots of habits to break -

- I eat in front of the TV/computer - but this is easily fixed
- I shovel food in and overeat - so 20 chews it is!
- I drink way too much red wine - but am hoping the whole system will help ease tension and stress, and I'll hear that all important "stop" voice :eek:
- I'm Olympic-level lazy - but have just set up a Leslie Sansone 1 mile walking vid on the tablet. I just got back from a few days in Italy where I could barely walk after the group, my knees were killing me - and I swore to myself I would never feel that bad or unfit ever again!

You've all shown me how these can be overcome, so I look forward to hearing more of your successes - and mine :)
Hi ladyfelsham! Great to have another person on board. It's been very quiet here lately but I'm sure we can liven the place up a bit.

I really hope you have as much success as many people here. I've struggled lately with following the 4 rules. I'm not sure why, I think its a self-sabotage. Like you I get to the 2 stone mark then it all goes wrong. I've had a week or so awol, and font like how I feel so I'm listening to the cd again tonight so hopefully all systems go.

Good luck, how much do you plan to lose? I've got masses - still another 7/8 stone on top of the 2ish I've lost already.
Hiya Firfenwen

The forums are always a bit quiet on the weekends, aren't they? So yes, let's liven it up a bit :) Well done on your loss so far but what do you think is causing you to wobble? You can do it hun, just keep listening to the Cd or read the book - there's also an app which I'm listening to tonight.

I've lost 12lbs from calorie counting since 1 April, and turned my ticker into a mini goal - but overall I want to lose about 10-11 stone. Getting past that 2 stone mark will be amazing in itself!

Overeating is absolutely my problem - particularly when I'm bored or not hungry...I grew in a poor household where you had to clear your plate - something I've read a lot here on this thread. I have always had issues with food - I can remember my mum saying I stopped eating everything but fruit when I was 5. We didn't own a tellie, so I have no idea where I got the idea from. Luckily our family doc told her not to worry and I'd come good eventually - but I've always had a bad body image. I'd really love to be able to look in a mirror and think good things, instead of being repelled.

And call me Susie :)
I definitely think you have found the right place. Reading about you and your past has brought a tear to my eye as it sounds as though we lived in the same household! I can truly understand every issue with image and food because I'm exactly the same.

I eat for every reason good or bad, happy or sad. I don't really get cravings or anything like that, but I guess I'm always full. It's like I can't stand not having a full stomach - may be that's down to my upbringing who knows.

My wobble I think is down to being a bit of a perfectionist. I had a couple of weeks where I lost only half a pound and then thought that 'this is not working I may as well try something else' whi h is what I did, and when I had an offer for £1 membership to Nutracheck calorie counting site I thought I will go for it. However, since then I haven't stopped eating and forgot the 4 rules. It's also hard as I don't really have control over meals as I moved back with my folks and my little boy after my divorce. I guess I use that as an excuse. Silly really.

If there is any tip it would be to forget EVERYTHING else about diets, calories, checks, points or syns and trust the rules. I think if I had stuck with it properly I would be 5-7 lbs lighter rather than the same heavier!

Really well done on your loss so far. Use that as your preparation stage for the hgb, you are off to a flying start. Can't wait to hear more of your successes. I'm not going to weigh myself to see the gain as it will be disheartening. I'm just going to carry on.

Btw the Leslie sansone stuff is great. I actually bought the DVD pack and cables. Also Jessica Smith does some good walks. She's on YouTube channel.

Wow, I've rambled on sorry! I'm Becky btw. X
Hey guys!
It surely has been a while!

Ok. So I don't know if anyone noticed this, but after listening to the CD over and over again - my taste has changed. I now crave spicy food, and my love for veggies has heightened. In fact, I kept getting this "hunch" for weeks, that I should try being an ovo-lacto vegetarian. So I gave it a try. It's my second day of being ovo-lacto, while ofcourse applying the rules, and I can already feel my clothes loosening. Its so weird I have not craved chicken, beef or fish in 48 hours!!! I'll keep you updated on the progress. It is NOT a diet though cause I AM eating everyyyything I want... and enjoying it... Mmmmmmmmmmmmm..... Veggies! Who would have thought you could enjoy veggies that much ?

PS. I am not weighing myself for at least 2 weeks if not more. Everytime I get on the scale I get depressed.
Reading about you and your past has brought a tear to my eye as it sounds as though we lived in the same household! I can truly understand every issue with image and food because I'm exactly the same.

Oh Becky how lovely to meet you and thanks so much for your kind words hun! I really do think that our upbringing has everything to do with our eating issues - when food is scarce we eat every crumb, so later in life, it becomes a comfort thing - and I find it very hard to unravel in my mind, particularly after hard times (two family deaths close together for me; your divorce and big living changes for you?). I realised how powerful it is just today - I was staring at the last mouthful of toast, thinking "I'm full, I don't need you" - but it's like dropping litter - I wouldn't do that in a million years, and the same slightly sick feeling was in me when I looked at the toast and contemplating leaving food on my plate! Which proves there's nothing silly about it at all, our minds are complicated beasties that can undermine oven the most determined character - so if NLP is the answer, so be it :)

If there is any tip it would be to forget EVERYTHING else about diets, calories, checks, points or syns and trust the rules. I think if I had stuck with it properly I would be 5-7 lbs lighter rather than the same heavier!

That's an excellent tip, hun - I do like making really healthy smoothies and soups, but will view them in a different way. Not much chewing going on there, though, do you think that will be a problem? I just want to make sure I get my leafy greens in. And thanks for the tip on Jessica Smith, I'll check her out!

my taste has changed. I now crave spicy food, and my love for veggies has heightened. In fact, I kept getting this "hunch" for weeks, that I should try being an ovo-lacto vegetarian. So I gave it a try. It's my second day of being ovo-lacto, while ofcourse applying the rules, and I can already feel my clothes loosening. Its so weird I have not craved chicken, beef or fish in 48 hours!!! I'll keep you updated on the progress. It is NOT a diet though cause I AM eating everyyyything I want... and enjoying it... Mmmmmmmmmmmmm..... Veggies! Who would have thought you could enjoy veggies that much ?

Hi Lionesque and nice to meet you! That's so fab that you are following your food "hunch" and that it's working out so well for you :) I did low carb for two years and ate loads of protein - but now I have pretty much stopped eating meat (maybe fish once a week, sausages occasionally) too and feel much better for it. I still eat carbs for the fibre, although they can make me very windiepops (not such a good thing in the office lol), I love eggs, and like you I'm eating a load of veg - here's some of my favourites -

- cauli mash and rice
- courgetti (courgette spaghetti - I make mine with a gadget called a spiralo, one of the best things I've ever bought - Amazon)
- courgette and aubergine strips for lasagne
- summer salad soup - it's from the skinny soup maker kindle book, using a Waring soup maker (you'll see a gadget theme emerging as you get to know me lol) - I can send you the recipe, but essentially it's courgette, romaine lettuce, chard, peas, celery, spring onions and fennel (mmmm), plus herbs - and oh golly the flavour is lovely!

Good luck with your WL journeys ladies! Susie xx
Hey everyone, I'm finally back!

I COMPLETELY fell off the wagon about 4 or 5 weeks ago - I don't know what went wrong but my head just wasn't in it and I've been eating pretty much whatever I want!! But as much as I enjoy the taste of all the naughty food, I really don't like the way it makes me feel - sluggish, lazy, bloated, FAT! So, I faced up to things and weighed myself this morning - I've gained 3¾lbs, I was actually expecting a lot more so I'm okay with that. I'm properly back on it now, did a massive shop this morning to stock up on lots of yummy, healthy food so I'm good to go! I need to re-read the book as the 4 golden rules don't exist for me any more and they really did work so I need to get back into the habits.

Good luck to everyone!!! :)
Ditched the scale for real - I taped a paper over it so when I am tempted to get on it, like it's an urge, I don't see any numbers.
What matters is I feel good and I am enjoying my food!!!!!

Did anyone notice that when they follow the four golden rules, the calories added up are exactly the same "allotted" amount for you to lose weight? It's amazing how wise our bodies are!
Glad to see there are more peeps on board here! I think with the support from each other we can do this!

I've had a dodgy day. I started off pretty good breakfast is always rushed but at least it's healthy. Lunch today was rushed as it's been rather stressy being back at school (I'm a teacher). After school then turned into a nightmare! I was sat at the computer and realised there was an Easter egg left for me from one of the children. I opened the card, then demolished the egg! I came home then had dinner which was fairly healthy, but have then tucked into crisps and sweets. I now feel sick and a total failure. What is wrong with me? I cannot understand what is going on at the moment.

The only thing I can think of today was the rushed lunch and perhaps not drinking enough. I think I had two cups of tea and half a bottle of water only before I walked through the door at 7pm this evening. Perhaps I was thirsty?

We I'm now off to listen to the cd again before bed.

Weird question but does anyone get really fidgety during the cd? I start off really well and feel relaxed but after about ten minutes I'm really fidgety and can't seem to keep still without itching, wriggling or feeling uncomfortable. Is this just me? Do you think it will have an effect on how well the hypnosis works?
I don't get fidgety but I do get cold and tingly at a certain point!! Its so weird! I guess all our bodies react differently to hypnosis, but I don't think it would have an adverse affect on it. xx
So glad folks are back on here! Mine was the last post for weeks and I was beginning to take it personally

In addition to PM's books and cds, have any of you read The Beck Diet Solution? It's not a diet plan as in telling you to eat certain foods or a certain way, it's a 6 week kind of course which gives you daily tasks to help you with your chosen 'diet' e.g. one of the days tasks is to choose the diet you are going to follow, and another is to list all of the personal advantages for yourself in losing weight etc.

It's certainly worth a look in addition to the HGB and following the rules.
I've just been looking at the Beck books - they sound really interesting.

I'm struggling to get into listening to PM at the moment, and after a vomiting bug, I made all sorts of bad food choices on the weekend - but I did also buy Skinny Sprinkles - and they DO fill me up!
the beck diet solution now i have heard about that one x x
Hi guys,

Just a quick question. I fitted my band 2 days ago, I haven't weighed myself yet because I don't own scales and the ones in local tesco are out of order (grrrr)

I read the book and did the cd but I'm not sure if its working right.

I don't seem to be finding the need to snack in the day which is great but when info eat my meals I can still seem to eat the same (maybe a tiny bit less) as before. I'm not sure I can tell when I am full yet, if I say to myself "I don't feel hungry now" and throw the food away I can't stop thinking about it.

I'm going to do the cd again tonight I have 4 stone to loose to get to my ore pregnancy weight and I have tried everything. This is my last resort so I need it to work! Lol