Perhaps this is a great idea. =)

Thanks Bblilsis. :) I've still been upset over it today. That post really picked me up and made me feel better. :) I hope I'm still strong; I'm afraid to test myself for ketosis. Hunger's never been a good indication for me - even before the diet I never got hungry. I just ate b/c oh look it is lunch time.
Glad to help, I truly feel your being way too hard on STEP AWAY FROM DE KETOSTIX....if your not hungry be thankful, but don't bother testing, if your slightly out of the pink (pizza is a carb so its likely) you'll be more upset.

Stay on plan, and just look forward not backwards :p
It's weird; I had carbs before I knew the no-carb rule of the AAM. It didn't knock me out - not rice and not a piece or 2 of bread. So maybe my body is better about them than others? I'm not going to test for another few days, in any case. Nothing I can do for knowing except what I plan anyways, right?
Thanks Tara! I'm getting really frustrated in general these days. I'm not losing like I should be - usually barely a single lb a week, never more than 3 lately. I don't get it - this is the only time I've cheated at all so why did my weight loss just.... STOP?!
Oh and I barely got a 70 on my marketing exam. I was so upset! I LOVE marketing; it's what I DO!

And I know I blew my e-commerce exam; the majority of the questions asked were not revolving around e-commerce. They were "Refresher" questions from a lower level class asking about the key components of a business model and stuff. I haven't TAKEN that class yet!

At least I did well on my economics exam - I got an 88 on it, which is low for me, but for a first exam I'll take it. Usually the 1st of the semester is lower, because I don't know how that professor gives exams, the style, their values and important things, etc. Now, I know what they do so I will be ready to ace the next ones.

So overall not the best of weeks for me. :(
I forgot my month 2 accomplishments. Since I was so PO'd I didn't bother. Here they are:

> Didn't cheat even once.
> Now fitting a size 10/12 UK.
> Definition starting to show.
> Gained some cheekbones.
> Completely lost the double chin.
I forgot my month 2 accomplishments. Since I was so PO'd I didn't bother. Here they are:

> Didn't cheat even once.
> Now fitting a size 10/12 UK.
> Definition starting to show.
> Gained some cheekbones.
> Completely lost the double chin.

Hiya GT, theres absolutely nothing wrong with you, if your body doesn't have much left to give, it will give it slowly, your in a size 10/12 UK so that means your small already, be nice to yourself, i'll start by giving ya a hug :gen126:
I bought a bikini today and it looks good on!!!! YAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I still have enough ti give that it should be moving faster than that. :( Maybe this reggy-food running out of CD stuff is good. Maybe hwen I go back to SS, I will end up losing quicker - over the plateau?
I bought a bikini today and it looks good on!!!! YAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I still have enough ti give that it should be moving faster than that. :( Maybe this reggy-food running out of CD stuff is good. Maybe hwen I go back to SS, I will end up losing quicker - over the plateau?

:wow: bikini's (only in my dreams) maybe cut back a bit on the real food, might speed up the losses again :p
Yah - I was like OMG!!!!! I lose a lb! Yay! Am now down 2.5 stones!! Yahoo!

But i have a horrible head cold. :( And I have TOTM (finally!!) with a vengence - o my stomach hurts liek hell.
Yah - I was like OMG!!!!! I lose a lb! Yay! Am now down 2.5 stones!! Yahoo!

But i have a horrible head cold. :( And I have TOTM (finally!!) with a vengence - o my stomach hurts liek hell.

:bliss: two and a half stone :bliss: thats fantastic, glad to hear TOTM finally appeared, you'll be able to wear those white trousers safely next week ;), magic answer to everything, get the water into ya, should help with the headcold and the cramps
hey georgina, just catching up with your diary hun.sorry to be neglacting you over here :hug99: your still doing brill hun and another lbs of is FAB. wish i had the courage to wear a bikini haha in my dreams!!
I'm surprise my chest fit into a bikini top - finally - and a L, not even XL. :D It's a barely-fit on it, but the XL was too big and I have till Nov. to fit into it, but n one will be selling swim wear in Nov. so....had to guess.

In other news - today, I was a very very bad girl. Had 8 oz. of meat for lunch - 4 steak and 4 chicken. Had a chicken sandwich for dinnerish. Had a piece of pizza and a few chocolate cookies at the newspaper meeting. I will def. behave though; and starting the next Official Count Week will be back to SS....

Also, I got picked to represent our paper at the National Collegiate Journalism Conference!!!! They can't pay my air fare and board, but they're paying for the conference. I talked to my parents and told them that if we couldn't afford it, then I'd be okay with that, since initially it was supposed to be all-expense paid. They said they've got buddy passes, flyer miles so not to worry about the air fare, AND dad has a friend who might have rewards pints for the hotel I'd be staying at for the conference, so it might actually end up being totally free!! How awesome!!!!!!
I don't know if it's heightened by the cold or if it is the diet and the lateness, but TOTM is really awful this time around; it's made my stomach torn into knots and made me ravenously starving hungry. I screwed up yesterday, am climbing back on the wagon today, and will be on SS Friday, when I have my food.
In good news, mom syas she doesn't really like the idea of me going to that conference alone. Dad says, "Rachael, she's an adult, and she's very responsible. As long as she goes to the Marriott of the conference for her hotel, I am sure she will be absolutely fine. You know she has no trouble fining friends at those conventions. By her 3rd hour there, she'll be surrounded by people who want to hang out with her."

The compliment was really awesome in itself. But added to it, my dad's basically told her to let me grow up and go on my own! Which means mom won't be tagging along! YAHOO!
So I am not going to the conference. I don't have the money for it. My parents were willing to pay to get me there because they knew how much I would have enjoyed it, but I can't ask them for that, especially not this close to Christmas, and double especially not seeing how much electricity my sister's using, which they're paying for (along with her rent, etc while she's at Uni in another state)... so.... it isn't crucial, you know? I manage just fine, and it wasn't necessary. There will be other conferences and other chances. No need to be a burden on them.

In other news, I FINALLY got my CD food so tomorrow is back on SS! The last 2 weeks I have only lost 3 lbs. BUT considering that I didn't have any diet food and had to eat whatever(I didn't do just the green veggie and white protein; figured it wasn't enough nutrients) and that it was TOTM and I had a cold, to LOSE 3 lbs. in the 2 weeks was an accomplishment in itself. STS this week (unless I lose a lb. between today and tomorrow) but overall that is still a loss on the 2 wks. of no diet and I didn't gain.

School and work have been sucking up a lot of my time lately. I went shopping for mam's Christmas. Got her a crystal cake dish. It's the convertible where it can be a stand and cover for a cake, or it can be a punch bowl, or it can be a cookie plate/brownie tray/etc, or it can be a tray with a dip in the center and something around the ring (chips and dip, bread dip and spinache int he center, etc). I think she will love it. I felt so awful when I accidentally smashed her last one so I bought her a nicer one to make up for it. Shopping next pay check/next month for dad, sister, boyfriend. I figured spacing them out between now and Christmas will be smarter. As a uni student, I haven't got loads of spare cash left over (even with working 3 jobs!) so I am spreading the cost over 3 months instead of the usual person's "Oh no it is 2 weeks until Christmas!" credit card rack-up. Speaking of, I just paid off all but $50 of my balace, yey. Now I just have to pay off the makeup I got at Clinique.... shouldn't be too bad.

I'm going to the beach in November, and I sahall be wearing a bikini for the trip!!! :-o YAHOO I AM SKINNY ENOUGH FOR IT! (Still can't get over that....)
:wavey:well done on your weightloss even though you had no diet products :bliss:

you sound like you've got everything well covered on the lead up to Christmas, man I've not even thought about it yet, but I've always been a last minute shopper :p
I used to be a last minute shopper, but then I realize that it's more expensive b/c if I have to put anything on credit, rather than cash, it costs more than it should in interest. (Albeit I have very low interest - only 8%)
OMG! I just tried on a Size UK 8 denim skirt for a lark. It's up and zipped and only just a bit snug - not obscenely so!!!
I bought an 8 dress today - belted middle, the hangy semiclingy fabric (you know the cotton and spandexy stuff)! :D

Also, I have turned my old skirt (the one that fell off) into a dress by sewing ties into the top of it to tighten it more than the band let it tighten and tossed a black elasticy cinch belts around the middle (after pulling the extra fabric into the back to make a semi-train kind of thing) to make it into the dress for my Halloween faerie costume. :)