So I am not going to the conference. I don't have the money for it. My parents were willing to pay to get me there because they knew how much I would have enjoyed it, but I can't ask them for that, especially not this close to Christmas, and double especially not seeing how much electricity my sister's using, which they're paying for (along with her rent, etc while she's at Uni in another state)... so.... it isn't crucial, you know? I manage just fine, and it wasn't necessary. There will be other conferences and other chances. No need to be a burden on them.
In other news, I FINALLY got my CD food so tomorrow is back on SS! The last 2 weeks I have only lost 3 lbs. BUT considering that I didn't have any diet food and had to eat whatever(I didn't do just the green veggie and white protein; figured it wasn't enough nutrients) and that it was TOTM and I had a cold, to LOSE 3 lbs. in the 2 weeks was an accomplishment in itself. STS this week (unless I lose a lb. between today and tomorrow) but overall that is still a loss on the 2 wks. of no diet and I didn't gain.
School and work have been sucking up a lot of my time lately. I went shopping for mam's Christmas. Got her a crystal cake dish. It's the convertible where it can be a stand and cover for a cake, or it can be a punch bowl, or it can be a cookie plate/brownie tray/etc, or it can be a tray with a dip in the center and something around the ring (chips and dip, bread dip and spinache int he center, etc). I think she will love it. I felt so awful when I accidentally smashed her last one so I bought her a nicer one to make up for it. Shopping next pay check/next month for dad, sister, boyfriend. I figured spacing them out between now and Christmas will be smarter. As a uni student, I haven't got loads of spare cash left over (even with working 3 jobs!) so I am spreading the cost over 3 months instead of the usual person's "Oh no it is 2 weeks until Christmas!" credit card rack-up. Speaking of, I just paid off all but $50 of my balace, yey. Now I just have to pay off the makeup I got at Clinique.... shouldn't be too bad.
I'm going to the beach in November, and I sahall be wearing a bikini for the trip!!! :-o YAHOO I AM SKINNY ENOUGH FOR IT! (Still can't get over that....)