Pesty's Diary: Losing the baby bulge

The problem with being a parent is that you don't drink as much at the weekend so you don't have a crippling hangover on a Sunday, so you end up out shopping and accidentally spend over £100 on clothes which hopefully won't fit me for long!!

Slightly pointless. But I felt fat after seeing pictures from Saturday night and went shopping to fit it

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So. I gained another 3lb.

I'm so unhappy about it. I feel thinner, I weighed in Kent but the only difference was me wearing jeans rather than leggings.

I know they are slightly heavier but this week the random 3lb gain from last week should have come off AT LEAST and jeans don't weigh 3lb.

So upset right now. I've now lost 1lb since I started 6 weeks ago. I know my weigh would fluctuate following the birth of Lily but this isn't fluctuating, it's just going up. Like 6lb up in two weeks.


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Oh Jess, I don't know what to say.
I mean your body must be struggling to come to terms with all the changes it's gone through in the course of the last 2 months.
But I know it's soul-destroying when you are trying so hard and everything's going the wrong way.

Obviously you were weighing at a different group this week, so you won't have been able to talk to your consultant.

But I recommend that this week you write down everything you eat (and drink) and take your food diary with you to group next week.
And then, whether you gain or lose, you need to be able to talk about the differences betwen what you've eaten next week and what you ate previous weeks.
There has to be something that you're doing that isn't quite right, or that could be better.
I know that you can find it.
Don't give up, just because it isn't working.
You WILL find it.
ANd then you will lose.

Keep going, Jess.

I got in the car and I sobbed, I sobbed like someone had died, clearly my hormones are all over the place!

Yeah it is soul distorting. Feels a little like the past 6 weeks were for nothing, although I know that's not true. It would have been another 6lb on top of what I've gained of I never started slimming world.

The only thing bad that I can see is alcohol, but on Friday I had about 5 drinks, they were all gin and tonics and that doesn't equate to 3lbs of fat.

I'm going to be good this week again and as you say write it all down. I'll text my C to let her know but I know she'll just say it's my body adjusting.

OH is going too from next week and I just bought an exercise bike. My body can't be adjusting forever surely!!!


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Oh bless you lovely.

I rekon it's hormonal and your body is still trying to adapt to post pregnancy life.

You say you feel thinner, are you doing measurements too? If your activity has increased that could you be increasing your muscle mass? This may account for feeling thinner whilst the scales say otherwise.

Keep going, you will get the loses you deserve. Just go easy on yourself, your body grew an amazing little girl and now it's taking some time out to recover. Stay on plan, it'll be worth it.

And who knows, the scales may be wrong! There's a reason we should only use one set for our weigh in's, the readings aren't gonna be the same.

Jess ((( Hugs ))) chica. As I said on the sirens fred, that sucks.
I'll add to a couple of things that have already been said.

LittleOne83 said it - no 2 sets of scales ever weigh identically, even SW calibrated ones. So they could be different from your regular class.
And yes, your jeans will account for some extra - probably about a pound I reckon.
And your body IS still adjusting and will probably be doing all sorts of weird and wonderful things hormonally.

To add to what Sarah has said.
Write everything down that you eat and drink - and I mean everything. No cheating.
I know it's helping me at the mo because what I've discovered is that I was ignoring some of the tweaks that had crept in for me whilst I was maintaining.
Well I could do couldn't I? I didn't need to lose now - I just needed to maintain. So I could have a few extra calories, couldn't I?
I was ignoring syns for wine/cider in cooking, apples in cooking - plus I'd stopped measuring HexBs and the amount of wine in my glass. My baked spuds were over 250g and not the 230g they should be, and what I thought was my regular 90ml of wine had slowly crept up to 120ml - so I was having 33% more syns than I thought

Another of the ladies I chat to on here admits she has a habit of popping things into her mouth whilst she is cooking. In her words "the thing I've noticed myself doing is popping the 'odd' thing into my mouth and not counting it, eg giving hubby a serving of granola and sampling a little of its delicious crunchiness, slicing up cheese and absent-mindedly eating the slice which broke".

One technique I've used in the past is to have a bowl of soup as my starter - or a big glass of water.
Then wait 15 minutes before having my main course.
It takes about 15 minues for the messages to get to your head from your stomach that you don't need much more food.
It certainly stopped me wanting a pud - and there's way less calories in a free soup or water than a desert.

So back to basics is my advice and as well as writing WHAT you are eating, maybe even try adding quantities as well.
I know SW says you can eat as much as you like but I'm sometimes guilty of having 2 or even 3 chicken legs because it's free rather than asking myself if I needed more than one.

Sarah said that there has to be something that you're doing that isn't quite right, or that could be better.
Perhaps if you have a go at some or all of the above it might highlight if there is an issue somewhere.

More ((( hugs )))
Thanks all.

I'll try all of it. I'm pretty good at writing down everything as I don't want to get caught out on mini cheats so that shouldn't be a problem to carry that on.

I wouldn't mind if it was my body adjusting if I knew one if these weeks the 6lb would come back off in s big chunk plus a little extra for the two weeks of undeserved gain, but I know that'll never happen, I'm just not a 6lb loser - let alone a 7-9lb one!!!

Her scales need to be out, WAY out. I'll be good another week on that basis, it is worth it because it's not me, it's the scales.

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Sorry about the gain hun!

It's all new to me and I have never gone to group so I can't be off much help.

I hope your C can offer you good advice to help the scales go in the right direction.

However you haven't long stopped breastfeeding. You body could be adjusting from that. There's a hormone called 'prolactin'. This hormone is high during breastfeeding and lowers as we stop. I am no doctor or medical specialists just taking a guess that this hormone is currently lowering or maybe still high

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So today I've had
B - 1 slice wm toast with a fry light egg on top
L - squares (4.5), asda sushi (3.5)
D - pork, peas, SW chips

Now considering im at my sisters that isn't half bad!!!!

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Jess chica
I take you are classsing today as EE?
I don't like to say this, and I know you're not at home, but that isn't enough and it isn't very balanced.
Where's the superfree and where's your HexA and full HexB?
Have you had enough water/liquid today as well?
You need to be logging how much you are drinking too. This might be one of the reasons you are struggling.
. . . Agreed it's not exactly on plan but when offered KFC and Haagen das I think I did really well!
Well done on resisting! I'm not sure I would have been able to.
Home and built my exercise bike.

Managed 20mins, 6,4 miles, 97 cal. Not bad for 1st cycle!!

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Wowwee - well done you! Hope you had some good music on playing loadly whislt you were cycling!
Nope. I was watching a program and was trying to push myself to cycle till the end.

I think my bum needs some time to adjust to the seat. Ouchy!!

I know the feeling - every time I go out on my real bike I end up with a sore bum.
What is it about bike seats? I've still got plenty of padding on my rear end . . . but they still hurt.
Thanks Elle. I think I was so hurt that all my work 'was for nothing' that I needed the week 'off' to regroup.

Well I say the week off, it's only really the last two days but if I gain after being good then I certainly won't lose this week!!

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Right. Somehow managed a 1.5 loss which I don't deserve following this weeks naughtiness but at the same time I do deserve because of the proceeding two weeks of undeserved gains!!

OH joined tonight too which will be immensely helpful. I made his lunch with him tonight so that he could see the sorts of things he can have he was asking lots of questions too so taking an active interest which is great.

Done a food shop already so hoping for a good week ahead to get a loss that nears me to what I was losing before these random gains started!!

Hopefully Lily will give me a chance to batch cook tomorrow too

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