Pesty's Diary: Losing the baby bulge


Sorry, yes, everything is fine!! I've finally started losing again but still only 2.5lb in the last three weeks - not whinging but will be nice when I'm back down to the 7 I got to before I started rogue gaining.

I've started buggy fitness this week which is like boot camp but with Lily too. It's great but really hard work and I'm so achy now!!!!

Hoping to start running too over the next couple of weeks, not making any promises but will give it a go.

I'm still off sugar. I have caved a couple of times and had a really bad stomach to show for it, but I'm doing my best!

How's everyone else doing? Will catch up on other threads when I get a chance

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Sorry, yes, everything is fine!! I've finally started losing again but still only 2.5lb in the last three weeks - not whinging but will be nice when I'm back down to the 7 I got to before I started rogue gaining.

I've started buggy fitness this week which is like boot camp but with Lily too. It's great but really hard work and I'm so achy now!!!!

Hoping to start running too over the next couple of weeks, not making any promises but will give it a go.

I'm still off sugar. I have caved a couple of times and had a really bad stomach to show for it, but I'm doing my best!

How's everyone else doing? Will catch up on other threads when I get a chance

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Glad your well.

Cutting out sugar is bound to be a challenge and the odd difficult days will be there.

Buggy fitness and looking into running should have the pounds falling off in now time. Well done for taking this on its not easy with lil ones
I'm glad the scales have started moving for you at last. And I know you'd like it to be faster, but we do know that slower losses stay off better than quicker losses!
(And you're still nearly a stone ahead of me...)

And well done with the massive changes to your diet that you've had to deal with, in giving up sugar.
And with the occasional caving in - it's awful to go through the pain of making your body deal with something that it can't handle. But in a way it's at least positive proof that they really have finally found the thing that was the problem. And you've already started on the way of life that's going to let you deal with it. However tough that is.

I'm still determined to catch you up, even with all this new exercise you're doing!
Well it would appear I've jinxed myself. Started gaining again for no reason and there's nothing more frustrating than getting on the scales and getting a gain when you know you deserve a loss!!!

Doing an SAS log this week, although I'm not sure it will help me as i know I'm on track, I'll give anything a go at this point!

Did buggy fitness again today and need to do more exercise, I'd like to build up my stamina which isn't going to happen very quickly if I'm only doing an hour a week!! So hard with the little one though, her pushchair isn't exactly running friendly!!

I do have the exercise bike though, I must use that more often!!

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Oh bless you.
This life is being pretty hard on you at the moment, isn't it?
I hope you find out what's doing it, and can do something about it.

Hugs. x
I think it's really unfair at the moment Sarah! I've been on plan solidly for 4 months and have lost a grand total of 4.5lb.

I did my measurements yesterday after my gain to make myself feel better, only to discover that my measurements are still the same as when lily popped out!

So now I feel double rubbish.

Still on plan though!!!

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Dinner. Beef and bean hotpot

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I think it's really unfair at the moment Sarah! I've been on plan solidly for 4 months and have lost a grand total of 4.5lb.

I did my measurements yesterday after my gain to make myself feel better, only to discover that my measurements are still the same as when lily popped out!

So now I feel double rubbish.

Still on plan though!!!

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That's really pants.
I'm sorry.

Clearly your body is still reacting to something, but not in a helpful way at all!

If it's any help (and I know it isn't!) I'm not catching you up very fast at all. Still nearly a stone behind.
But that's not going to help you.

So sorry this thing just isn't working for you at the moment.
Weigh in tomorrow, hoping I've lost this week, I've been very on track still and have incorporated a lot of clean eating (which uses up all my syns)

I feel good and smaller so no clue why the scales and measurements are telling me that I've not changed since Lily was born.

Everything crossed for me please

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All the best for your weigh in :)
Good Luck Hun, and well done for not giving up xx
Thank you beautiful people.

4.5lb off for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm wonderfully pleased. Main difference this week was swapping weetabix for overnight oats, incorporating much more 'clean eating' - no processed foods. And upping my exercise. Not sure I can continue this 100% forever but I'll do my best.

Clean eating is expensive and not so convenient or slimming world friendly haha

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Amazing well done!!!!
A whoosh at last.

Daft question though, why do you say that clean eating is expensive and not SW friendly?
We eat very few processed foods - just bread really - plus the odd biscuit when I get a mad craving.
And I supposed it depends if you class FF yoghurt as processed.
I don't find it that expensive and certainly what I eat is very SW friendly.
Thanks all!!!

Agave nectar - 1.5 per tbsp
Cacao - 3 per tbsp
Coconut Alpro - 6 per 600ml
Chia seeds - 3 per tbsp

And that's just my smoothie. There's also all variations of nuts, dried fruit and seeds which I have with most meals.

It's not impossible to do, it's just that's where all my syns go.

Yes, FF yoghurt is considered processed, even cooking foods is a 'process' but to me that's a step to far!!

I have to be awfully careful with yoghurt though because of the sugar content

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WOW! Great Loss

Well done for switching things up...worked for you clearly
Well done on your brilliant loss.
All of this fitness and clean eating has got to have a benefit.