Kevin is lovely <3 I do love ginger cats but I definitely believe that cats pick you and that's how we ended up with two black cats
We only actually wanted one cat but then Bert climbed nearly six foot up a wire fence to bash my husband on the nose so we couldn't leave him behind!
How I agree with you. If anyone has looked at my animal family they will know we have sch a variety of animals but of them all the cats are the most aloof . They own you not the other way round.
We now have 3 different catsthat I haven't posted photos of yet. We have Blackcat, who is the mummy cat and Hello and Kitty who are her black son and her black tortoiseshell daughter.
Blackcat was our neighbours cat. They are o.k. people but like so many Spaniards have a very different attitude to animals. Blackcat had about 6 litters of kittens whilst she lived with them. They killed them all. When she had Hello and Kitty she decided enough was enough and after having them she brought them in through our kitchen window. I had been feeding her cos she was short of food. I magine how desperate she must have been to ring them into a household that had 7 dogs. The poor little mite must have been at the end of her tether.
We bought her a huge basket which is in a corner on the kitchen unit and strangeley the dogs are amazing with them all. The kitties are now 18 months old, they have all been sterilised, mum as well and she still washes them from head to foot as if they were babies. It is fantastic to see such a happy and healthy family who have fitted in so well.
I told my neighbours that we had her and her 2 kittens and that we were having all three sterilised. They were o.k. about it but shocked me to the core when they said " she had 3 kittens, but our dogs ate one !!!!)" as if it was a normal , everyday occurance.
Anyway all is well that ends well and they are such a happy and tight unit and when our house is sold they too will live in England with us.
We have also fed a" bin" cat for 5 years. We have never missed a day, not one day in five years. We had her sterilised by a local vet who was operating on feral cats free of charge, so she didn't suffer litter after litter of kittens dragging her down. She lived so comfortably were she was we felt it would be cruel to move her from an enviroment she was very happy in. One day about 3 weeks ago she dissapeared. I feel sure someone has taken her and given her a home. We just wish we knew. I like to imagine her living as a beloved housecat and at last having real comfort in her life.
Like you Missy, I wish more people would adopt animals that would otherwise never know what a loving home is. Even 2 of our goats are rescue goats, abandoned by their previous owners. All our dogs have a story especially little Luna the German Pincher who was dumped in the street at 6 months old when they went to live in another country. Poor little mite.
How could anyone have abandoned her !!!
the rest of them are here.............................