Pets <3

Youknow I was so wrong when I predicted that this thread would not last long.It has been done so often it just proves one much we all love our feathered and furries.

Thank you all for giving me so much pleasure looking at your babes and reading about them.

Some of mine ......................


our two big boys napping after Christmas dinner lol !!!

my little Jack Russel who is so very poorly but fightingand doing really well.


Mr, & Mrs B and Fido the goose

Sir Bernard

Luna, an endangered breed she is fantastic and had been abandoned by somepeople who went back to live in Venezuela

Father and Son. Home bred and the joy of my life.

There are loads more but I will not bore you with them.

They keep us amused, happy and fit lol !!!!
I'd love to live in your house, with all those animals around :)


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I'd love to live in your house, with all those animals around :)

and they are only the tip of the iceberg.............we have even name it it finds a home here including two giant goats ( and our housepet goat Leo) who were just left behind when their previous owners went back to Germany..............a common problem here. They are so nice, Lady Elizabeth and Sir Francis lol. They beg at the kitchen window for biscuits and of course they get them.
Wow so beautiful!

Thank you. Can be pain in ass at times but sure do love my fury babies! Its amazing how much they can mean to you an be there for you! X
Got to show my boys when babies!!

max & toby (2).JPGmax (7).JPGtoby (12).JPG
Jess<3 said:
Got to show my boys when babies!!

<img src=""/><img src=""/><img src=""/>

Oh my god!!! They are scrummy!!!!
hehe :) Toby is a softy! well so is Max actually.. So adorable when was puppies, didnt want to grow lol
heres a couple more..

max (5).JPGtoby (8).JPGtoby (13).JPG
My gang right now! X


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Strictly speaking, not my pet. This is my mum and dad's springer, Roly. We get to look after him lots though! He's absolutely 100% insane, but gorgeous.


And here is Cap, my sister's dog. He's a working dog (she lives on a farm) but he's a spoilt thing and is a doted upon working pet really! :) Really wanted to share this photo as I love it, really captures his wolf-like personality and took me a while to get a decent shot as he seems to be a bit camera shy. He's not enough of a poser like Roly is!


Wish I could get a dog but the OH and I both work and couldn't bear to leave one alone all day :(
Here is my fur baby!!


I actually treat him as though i have given birth to him lol!! So sad!! Xx


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My beautiful Goldie, Penny in the snow at my Mum's and yes that is a yogurt pot you can see! She loves them and walks around with them all proud lol


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