PET'S CORNER - for all those with furry friends..

When I was about 11, I had an old mongrel dog called minnie. One day I was out with him and a dog jumped on his back. His back legs became paralysed.

The vet said the best thing would be to have him put down. There was no way I was going to let that happen he was a year older than me and had always been there.

So we brought him home, everyday my mum and me took him for 'walks' I held his hind legs and virtually moved him like a wheelbarrow. Everyday we massaged the legs and gave him lots of love and encouragement.

After a few weeks he started to stand, very wobbly and wanted to walk on his own, the problem was he was dragging his paws and they were becoming sore and started to bleed.

One of my dad's customers worked in a shoe factory and the girls made him a pair of little leather lace up boots so his paws were protected. Over time he learned to walk again, the only thing that was different was his tail instead of wagging from side to side it went round and round.

He lived until he was fifteen and died in his sleep.

So, I know this is a different case but he was happy at home and I believe thrived because of it.

He has survived for two days so Jacob is a fighter I am sure the stress of the vets is not helping him and he will be pleasead to come home.

Wishing you all love.

Oh lordy - I'm blubbing again.
It never fails to amaze me how much love and affection animals bring into our lives.
Sorry to hear about poor Jacob: our pets are more than 'just animals' .... they are members of our families and it's just devastating when something happens to them :(

Just before we moved back down South in September 2005, our dear old black cat Biggles took a turn for the worse. He was 18 years old and his health had been failing for a few weeks. His breathing was 'rasping' slightly but all the time he was drinking, eating and snoozing in true 'old gentleman' style, I felt the quality of his life wasn't being compromised.

But one evening was different. He didn't sit in his favourite spots and I found him in strange places: I felt he was trying to communicate something to me. He wouldn't eat or drink and by the morning, his breathing was so laboured I knew I had to take him straight to the vet. But as I coaxed him into the cat box, I had a heavy heart as something inside told me it was going to be for the last time.

Sure enough, the vet said he had a blockage in his windpipe, possibly a tumour and that surgery was not an option as he was so old. She said he'd had a very good innings and that the kindest thing was for me to allow them to ease his passing. I stayed with him and held my hand close to his face so he could smell something familiar as he was quietly put to sleep.

I managed to hold it together until I got home but the minute I walked through the door I was in pieces. The whole family (including DH) cried like babies all night. We still miss him.

I hope Jacob recovers to full health soon. He has youth on his side plus the love of his family all around him: These things will give him the best possible chance of a full recovery. My thoughts are with you.

Keep us posted xx

Over the years, I've had to take several much loved pets to the vets to have them put down - my ex and his family loved animals more than they liked people, so it was always down to me to face the music when they got too old or sick to carry on.
I think the worst time ever tho, was when my mum rang me at work to say that she had had to have my dog Delta put to sleep. She was very old and frail but had been my constant companion throughout my (difficult) childhood and I loved her like the sister I never had.
I was so distraught in the office that the bosses had to send me home and I wailed on the tube all the way back.
Now I'm living back in the house where I lived as a teenager with my dog, sometimes I half-expect her to be waiting at the window for me when I come in.
That dog gave me more unconditional love than I've had from most men in my life and I still miss her.

DB - I'm sure that Jacob will be just fine.

hes home.
hes on a duvet on the floor in the dining room, his head was up and eyes bright when we collected him, i gave him a drink of water with the syringe when he got home, i opened a packet of his favourite food, he looked interested but wouldnt eat, so now ive left him to snooze. weve borrowed a baby gate to put across the doorway just in case he tries to crawl into another room. fingers crossed XXX
Awww - those are encouraging signs, hun! I'm sure he and you and so pleased to have him home! He'll eat soon enough, I'm sure!
he sleeps all over the place, no particular favourite spot. we're in a bungalow, so he can hear us where ever we are. he used to sleep in the hall at night, and then come into wake me in the mornings.

i went in just now and im sure he was trying to crawl towards the kitchen where he usually gets fed, i carried him in, and propped up his rear end, he sniffed the plate but diddnt eat. weve left him quiet now, will check on him at 9, give him another little drink. ive taken the bandage off his paw where the intravenus was. it was very tight, so i took it off.

his brother ( tango) sniffed him, and licked his head, but i think he smells funny, coming straight from the vets, tango diddnt like how he smelt.

Try scrambling a little egg, no fat though, often they like this if feeling poorly. Or just a couple of prawns, some for his brother too we don't want any arguments.

Another sorry tale, didn't say before, Saffron my Tortoiseshell cat was hit by car three years ago.

After a month of a rubbish vet trying all experiments on her she ended up in Critical Care hospital. They tried everything for her, got rid of the infection the vet had neglected, gave her a skin graft from her stomach, and pinned the leg. She was there 3 months, eventually all looked good but when they took the pins out of her leg the skin split open, her leg was dying.

I had to chose to let her go or have the leg amputed immediately. The leg was removed and it was still a little touch and go. She rallied around in a few days, it was quite amazing and then came home.

She is one of the most happiest and contented cats I know, the dog missed her so much he wouldn't leave her side when she came home.

Apart from not being able to jump over the fences now or get on the roof, it was her back leg, her life really hasn't changed. If anything she is more loving.

I am sure all your little one needs is to be home and cared for, tonight though he might need a little company.

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HI Devonbabe,

I am sorry to hear your cat is not well, but your right to take him home as he will be much better looked after.

It is amazing how pets can recover with love and attention. I am a great believer in Rescue Remedy for it relaxes them, I think a few drops of it myself and it does work.

Big hugs.

Love Mini xxx
hes moved around on the duvet. i gave him some whiskers milk at 9, just a little syringe of milk, he licked his lips and seemed to like it. i have to hold his head and put the syringe in the side of his mouth and then he swallows it.

i just came outof the kitchen and his hind leg was moving. not the foot though, just the thigh. his toes are cold, so i have to rub them to get the circulation going in them

weve turned the lights off now, so hopefully he will close his eyes and sleep. he was just lying there with his eyes open before. his pupils are wide and hes staring, i think hes still very much drugged up and not 100% with us

hes had visitrs already, my mum called around to see him

hes purring, so he seems happy enough

will check again at 10

Jacobs diary

last night he drank water from his bowl himself. i had to hold him upright cause he kept flopping over. he cant hold himslef even in a sitting position.

had a restful night, nice and quiet away from the ward in the hospital. moved around the dining room floor. hubby checked on him twice during the night and said he was shuffling around the duvet, then crawled off the duvet onto the wood floor ( he likes to lay on the floorboards its cool)
he also did a pee, so his bladder is ok

i woke at 6. and carried him into bed with me, we had a cuddle for 1/2 hour, then he decide it was time to get up and shuffled around the bed and tried to jump down but slid on to the floor. then we went for a walk around the garden, i was carrying him and showing him his garden, put him on the grass and he tried to get up the steps, but flopped.

then we had another bit of water fro mthe bowl. i put him on the kitchen floor and got his and Tangos breakfast. again he looked interested but wouldnt eat. so i took a small chunk of meat and stuffed it in his mouth so he got the taste of food again. then he liked another small peice i held for him. and then ...he ate about 3-4 mouthfulls off the plate. i was still supporting him so he was standing like a proper cat and could eat standing up. then he had a syringeful of milk and his tablets. now hes back on the duvet

ive massaged his legs and paws. and last night he trid to lift his leg and scratch his belly!!

so i really do think bringing him home was the best thing to do. he looks more like Jacob again this morning


hes got to go back to the hospital at 11.30 for an assesment
so will report back after that

Well that seems all very positive hopefully he will get good report from vet this morning.

At least he has eaten a little and that should give him more strength.

I'm so pleased that Jacob seems to be on the mend!! Very encouraging - you must be feeling a little relieved, hun!
Look forward to the vet's update!
Well done with Jacob. I am sure animals know the difference between being cared for as in having their needs met and being cared for with love.
Sending positive vibes and little fluffles for him....
Hope Jacob is well today. xx

This is my little one 'Milo' who is 10months, and the most loving cat Ive ever known. Whichever room I am in, he comes too.

Hmmm, why doesnt my picture show in post?


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